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Musical Storyteller | Award-Winning Producer | Tour DJ for Black Thought (The Roots) | Billboard #1 for The Hamilton Mixtape | The Live Mixtape | IG: @jperiodBK

Apr 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Shock G is a legend. He is a towering icon of Hip Hop culture, and quietly, one of the most groundbreaking artists of all time. If you didn’t know this—if you only knew Humpty, or that he discovered Pac—it’s ok, most people didn’t know.

But let me tell you a story... #ShockG

I once went to Rakim’s house, and on his studio wall, he had an amazing poster-sized cartoon of himself on top of a giant cement block, crushing all the other MC’s beneath it. At the top, it said “The Master Poet.”

When I looked closer, I couldn’t believe my eyes. #ShockG

Rakim told me the story: in 1989, a kid had waited outside his dressing room in Oakland for an hour after a show, hoping to give him this giant cartoon. The “kid” was Shock G, but Digital Underground hadn't come out yet.

Three months later, "Doowutchyalike" blew up. #ShockG

Rakim kept that drawing on his studio wall as inspiration... for twenty years.

Let that sink in.

The greatest MC that ever lived kept Shock G on *his* wall for inspiration... to this day.

That’s how important Shock G is to the Culture.

#RIP #ShockG #DigitalUnderground

Footnote: Digital Underground's "Sex Packets" is one of the most brilliantly creative albums ever made. It stays in my Top Ten to this day.

I met Shock once, and made a point to tell him how important he was to me. I was a true fan. And he signed his masterpiece for me. #ShockG

Hip Hop, we have an obligation to hold up our heroes in the proper light, and let them shine. Don't waste another day. Tell your heroes they are your heroes. Shout their names out loud. #RIP #ShockG #DMX #BlackRob #HipHop

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