D. Dean Johnson Profile picture
I might be mistaken, but I have the receipts. "Obi-Wan Kenobi of the deeper dive."β€”Billy Cox. Mirador: https://t.co/OMPhWASfcv

Apr 24, 2021, 20 tweets

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WASHINGTON (Apr 23, 2021)--George Knapp,

a broadcaster who for over 30 years has promoted the controversial claims of felon Bob Lazar to have worked on a secret government program studying captive alien spaceships, today threw new fuel on the fire by abandoning his previous claim to know the exact location of a sample

of an alien-manufactured isotope that is said to have uncanny powers to manipulate time and space. Knapp, whose Twitter handle is @g_knapp, has for 32 years promoted and shaped the tales of Lazar, who Knapp first brought to public attention in 1989. Lazar, then age 30, claimed

to be a scientist who had worked inside a secret government program that, in 1988 and earlier, possessed 9 intact alien spaceships, at least one of which it was flying. Lazar said he personally had discovered the secret of the alien ships' propulsion -- an isotope of Element 115

that does not exist naturally on Earth and that humans cannot manufacture.


This alien 115 isotope, in the Lazar telling, has extraordinary powers, including overcoming gravity, creating force fields, and turning out sun-like power.

Lazar claimed to have retained a significant amount of the alien isotope, and to have been persecuted by government agents hoping to recover it. In a 2014 speech, after telling a number of stories about his personal observations of the powers of the isotope, Knapp said he knew

the exact location where the uncanny alien-manufactured substance was hidden: "It's in a spot now where nobody could get to it. But it's still there. One of these days, maybe after Bob's gone, I'll go dig it up."

But in a tweet today (April 23, 2021), Knapp took a swipe at "twitter experts" who, he said, "know element 115 doesn't exist." Knapp went on, "Where is that non-existent 115 right now? I do not know. The piece that doesn't exist was moved."

Contacted by πš†πš‘πš’π™°π™Όπš’πšœπšπšŽπš›πš’? πš†πš’πš›πšŽ, @ddeanjohnson, a UFO researcher who has been critical of Knapp and Corbell for "their lucrative promotion of the oft-discredited mythology of scientist-impersonator, serial-prevaricator, convicted felon Bob Lazar," said:

"So Knapp's old pal Bob Lazar moved the alien-tech proof, and Knapp is now clueless? How timely and convenient! Yet Jeremy Corbell said in November 2020 that Lazar had confided much more recently, in Corbell himself, the location of the purported alien isotope."

In recent weeks, Corbell and Knapp have collaborated closely in promoting a number of purportedly leaked images, taken by military personnel, that both men say show unidentified flying objects.

In covering the claims of Corbell and Knapp about the images and the circumstances in which they were supposedly obtained--many based on anonymous sources--some journalists failed to note the long history of both men in "cleaning up" and popularizing the discredited Lazar claims.

Corbell directed and Knapp produced a sensationalized but highly profitable 2018 film promoting the Lazar tales, including the theme that federal agents continue to pursue Lazar, seeking the missing sample of the alien isotope.

Johnson said,"In recent weeks, Corbell has explicitly claimed that the U.S. military does not know who is flying the UFOs in their leaked images, and Knapp has implied this. Yet both men continue to promote and profit from the shoddy, oft-discredited Bob Lazar mythology, the core

premise of which is that this very same federal government, since 1988 and earlier, has possessed 9 intact alien spacecraft, AND possesses quantities of the isotope that defeats gravity and turns out sun-like power--the secrets of which were, they say, unlocked by Bob Lazar."

Johnson said, "I would say to @g_knapp and @jeremycorbell: Why fuss about your blurry photos and murky video, if indeed your pal Bob Lazar for 30-plus years has possessed pilfered physical proof of alien visitation -- which is the story you've promoted

to the masses? Why not now insist that your golden boy Bob Lazar turn over his claimed alien isotope to independent analysts? Put up or 'fess up!"

Johnson concluded,"Stay tuned for more cries by Knapp and Corbell for 'disclosure' of purported UFO evidence by the government, even

as they continue to boast of their roles in helping Lazar retain physical proof of alien technology, purportedly swiped from a government program that controls 9 intact alien spacecraft. No journalist should quote Knapp or Corbell on this subject without noting that association."

Naturally, πš†πš‘πš’π™°π™Όπš’πšœπšπšŽπš›πš’? πš†πš’πš›πšŽ reached out to @g_knapp and @jeremycorbell for any response or rebuttal to Johnson's remarks. Their accounts responded as follows:

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