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Founder of CNN contributor. Firearms reporter. Gun-safety instructor. Philly fan. DM me some story tips. Email: Gutowski@TheReload(dot)com

Apr 24, 2021, 13 tweets

It's Saturday and I'm heading to three places today. Can anyone guess what those three places are?

First stop, as pretty much everyone guessed, is Wawa!

Today is gonna be a good day, folks.

Philly pretzels as far as the eye can see 👀

Stop number 2: my local gun store

I'm old enough to remember the times before this sign became a mainstay at gun stores across America.

I think my next gun is going to be the Sig Sauer P365 XL. I think this may be the perfect carry gun.

Third stop? The range, of course! Crazy news: not only do they not have ammo to sell to the general public but they don't have any ammo to sell you to use on the range!!

Before shooting I need to do a little bit of gun surgery. My Springfield XDs needs a bit of oil.

I still really love my XDs. It shoots so well. It's actually been a while since I've been to the range because of the ammo shortage but after getting a bit of flinching out of my system this ain't too bad for rapid fire.

Getting a bit better as I put more extremely valuable 9mm down range. So, that's good.

I'm a sucker for these gold bullets, man.

That's more like it. Except for that one shot off to the left. What the heck was I doing there?

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