Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Apr 24, 2021, 5 tweets


1/ Wow. I didn’t know where to start with this, but

*that* fucking sums it all up, doesn’t it?

The founder & still-leader of the WEF KIaus Schwab

is the author of “C0VlD-19: THE GREAT RESET”

& has the wankiest sentence ever in his Wiki

“Gift” 😂 STFU

2/ Yes, If you caught this, it used to be the “European Management Forum”

(I guess Europe needed to be “managed”)

Then became global

It’s an NGO

It rotates meeting locations

But has 3 annual spots


Interesting choices

3/ Speaking of Chyyna

The first time a head of state attended WEF

It was Xinni the P00h

Similar to Chyyna, access is “an almost caste-like system”

Interestingly, in 2021 - for only the 2nd time ever - the WEF *won’t be held in Switzerland*, but Singapore

Because C0VID (huh?)

4/ Interestingly, POTUS Trump showed up in 2020

You may recall a certain, idiotic grumpypuss glaring at him

Also note the presence of $0R0$

I bet there was some crazy shit behind the scenes for THAT Forum

Lots of expensive suit-pants were sent out for dry-cleaning, no doubt

5/ Back to Klaus, founder & leader

His call for the “Great Reset” & predictions are nothing short of a dystopian nightmare

Of course they want you to be physically connected to computers

Think Bill Gates, viruses, & remote control

Think “Matrix”

“They don’t hide it”

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