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I don't hope, I build: Panquake. Like surveillance, censorship is a for-profit industry that requires perpetual growth. Use if you care about privacy!

Apr 25, 2021, 18 tweets

Tonight was without doubt the greatest @pan_quake delivery meeting so far

Thrilled to be able to announce so many new features & updates within a single event.

Check out all the details in the below thread. Event video will be published in the final tweet



As usual, we kicked it off by reviewing the updated campaign statistics for the last 4 weeks.

Huge news that THANKS TO YOU! we now have 4 full time development contractors & 1 part time paid contractor working very hard daily to deliver this groundbreaking next gen product


Remember last month when we announced 3 new marketing projects? We've delivered on all 3.

The first short thematic vid premiered at the end of the event & will be up on Instagram & other social media shortly.

Goodies page is live on site

Shop merchandise catalog follows


Huge shout out to @MeanPanduh for all her awesome graphic design work and to @_taylorhudak for her work compiling this incredible array of products that will be available next month from the @pan_quake shop!!

T-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, coffee mugs, umbrellas...


We'll also have notebooks, folders, baseball caps, tote bags, wall art, buttons & even mouse pads.

And if there's something else you'd like to buy let us know by emailing us at

We will do our best to expand the range to encompass your wishes!


OK here's where the thread starts getting increasingly geekier and geekier.

First up - for the convenience of many inquirers, we have built a new "Tech" section on our website.

In it, you'll find all our publicly released tech slides to date with descriptions & videos


The screenshots above don't really do it justice so I suggest going to to check it out for yourself. There is mountains of content. So everything anyone could want to know about the tech under the hood of @pan_quake can now find it all in one place.


Next up, front end build progress. We are signing off the FINAL(!) front end screen designs down to every last tiny detail. Super exciting. Showed some (deliberately old) versions of front end use cases & workflows as per Feb delivery. You'll understand why very shortly.


April production metrics reference 4 use case diagrams & 2 class diagrams. These are NEW back end design docs - not the aforementioned front end use cases. Organisation of Data & Methods scheduled to be completed by May 5th. Team producing 4-7 *MAJOR* Git commits per day.


Presented deliberately dated/obscured (for IP protection purposes as still in development) examples of back end documentation being produced by our build team ongoing.

This level of documentation is of the highest commercial standard & aligns with industry best practices


We chose to release these examples of our back end architectural work to demonstrate how high the quality of @pan_quake devs are

Only an incompetent person counts build progress in lines of code. Code should be concise, minimalistic, portable, modular & THOROUGHLY PLANNED


Commercial development teams that just sit down & write some code & then brag about how many lines of code they have are the teams that still don't have a workable product after five years. Viable projects with smart, seasoned devs spend the first 40% of dev phase designing


The production of professional grade use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams & other types of UML/DB modelling etc provides a solid build foundation and reduces coding time, decreases coding error, and increases the code efficiency & cohesiveness dramatically


Last month you heard from our COO, our Support Manager & our Accounts Administrator. This month we presented a first person testimony from @pan_quake's lead developer about what's really going on with the build & how they feel about the project & the team.

Insightful read


A number of our Community have been emailing us tech questions in the past month & we wanted to be very transparent about our answers to those questions for the benefit of all. So @seanodiggity & I did a Q+A together providing info about all of these user-submitted topics:


Panquake's record is clear: we show up every single month & we never miss a delivery. I don't know of a single other commercial tech project - ever - that has been as transparent about their build process or business as we are. Honest actors will acknowledge & applaud that


How fast we ship each of our app releases depends on you. It is the potent combination of our skills & your advocacy & financial support that has got us this far. We are deeply grateful & committed to seeing this through. Our success is your freedom:


And with the above thread complete, here is the hot-off-the-press video of @pan_quake's 3rd monthly public delivery event, as promised.

Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!


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