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This place is propaganda and disinfo. Here to repost old information. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Apr 25, 2021, 25 tweets

19 person outbreak at the Public Health Ontario labs.

Same PHO that says surgical masks just fine.

Same PHO that wrote that biased snobby and insulting summary of the aerosol conference in November.

Can't even make this stuff up.…


Whether "community spread" or whether "somehow acquired through an infection from laboratory tests itself"

I'll tell you where from ...

"I think this is an airborne virus and it's more infectious than we give it credit for"

My God, it's full of stars.


No it isn't.

Then what's the point of these guidances?

Sounds like WHO. Here, do this. But if you do and you die, that's on you.


How's that working out?

You aren't helping.

Fundamentally different modes? It's more infectious. You'll see more through the air. It doesn't grow wings. Delete this PDF.

Then goes on to pull from WHO (NOTE: of course people pull WHO guidance, hence it is important to change that) and Scotland, for some reason, to set PPE for health care, which we know is all wrong.

Delete this PDF.

Side note, they point to the hierarchy of controls, which would say to PHO that you ought to use airborne isolation rooms before masks.

But here's the kicker you came for, HCW in a patient room just need surgical masks.

So, outbreak in your lab really?

I am not surprised.

Delete this PDF you dinosaurs. Rawr.


Oops thread broke. Continues here:

Meanwhile site is full of "how to put on your PPE" which is fine generally, but ludicrous in the context of not wearing an N95 for airborne infectious disease.

And when studies show even when ppl study it, they cannot cough/force virus off a mask.

And here is their garbage summary of the aerosol conference. Garbage b/c they do not believe in airborne spread…

Of course, now that their employees are sick (I'm sorry), perhaps they will "suddenly" see the light.

Err, small particles floating indefinitely in the light

My God it's full of aerosols!


Don't drag me into your tar pit, dinosaurs.

I know it's in the air.

cc FYI @jljcolorado @kprather88 @lisa_iannattone @trishgreenhalgh

Hey dinosaurs, guess what might work:

@threadRip unroll

Full thread:

If you get lost, full thread end here:

Hey dinosaurs, explain this with droplet/touch:

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