Pepehu Kekbar 🐸 Profile picture
Myrimemetic Metamodernist 17451547 "77th Memetic" Datum Ogdoadic Maestro of the Fraternal Alliance of The Knights Of Kekistan, an esoteric order. -ASK12KEK1

Apr 25, 2021, 6 tweets

Aight so hear me out.
@TheOfficerTatum said to go thro ugh and old incident accounts to see what burden he'd been bearing for society. Weeeeeelll...

What if we took that a step further?
What about a Lowlight Reel?

Instead of PR that cares about feelings...
What if... (cont'd)

What if police around the country start releasing examples of things that y'all have to deal with?

"Proven Guilty" stuff, preferably.
Obviously, don't be showing things that could be described in a cutaway on twitter, but...

Maybe, get real?
@CPD_Media @NYPDCT @LAPDHQ (cont'd)

Another approach, @PortlandPolice could release body cam footage of the more hardcore #AntifaTerrorists that the DA refuses to charge because they're a political hack...
That'd work, too.

Maybe @SeattlePD has similar calls they've answered that the would be good to see. (cont'd)

Or let's say... @Atlanta_Police.

Perhaps y'all have a lowlight reel of crap you've put a stop to, regardless of how much Keisha wishes things were more like they are for @MinneapolisPD.

What about being restrained, tho?

Just like @CBP, police are hogtied. (con't)

Beyond the mobs & the politicians who enable them...

Despite the people who instruct you to grab criminals making it mostly pointless to do so when they either let them go or refuse to prosecute based on partisanship...

I for one thank the majority of you for not sucking.

And if you don't have footage, someone simply going through and reading incident reports is just as fine.

Maybe you could team up with the @NetHistorian.

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