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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Apr 26, 2021, 9 tweets

"F*** off, c*** f***er!"

As protested were outside the house of prosecutor Pete Orpu in Stillwater, neighbor/corrections officer Paul Gorder confronted the crowd.

"You touch my wife, I'll kick your ass," he said.

"All you f***ing n***ers, get out of here," his wife said.

Sgt. Paul Gorder is a "30-year veteran of Minnesota Correctional Facility – Stillwater. He is well known and highly respected among staff and incarcerated men at the facility" according to the jail he works at, whose team logo he wore during the encounter.

You can see the full context of the interaction here from the 02:05:16 mark of my livestream.

"Shut up!" Sgt. Gorder says to Stillwater Police trying to calm the situation. "She's [wife] trying to help!"

Only ID'ing him because he is in law enforcement.…

I ran up as the confrontation was occurring and missed the very beginning of it.

An activist explain that the wife - apparently drunk - tried to get into her neighbor's car.

When asked about driving drunk, she apparently got mad at protesters for blocking neighbors' driveway.

Sgt. Paul Gorder is actually known to the activists.

Only 3 days ago, @bymyelf filmed as he was furious at protesters rallying in the same place, but then recognized and hugged a participant who had been in his jail.

"I know Paul" the activist said.

This is actually not Sgt. Gorder's only experience with activism.

From 2010:

"Corrections Sgt. Paul Gorder became emotional at a rally outside Stillwater prison on Tuesday to protest the cuts over staffing at three Minnesota correctional facilities."…

The man Sgt. Paul Gorder hugged a few days ago who apparently recognized him was Myon Burrell, the man prosecuted by @amyklobuchar and sentenced to life, but whose innocence was proven and freedom restored after 18 years.

Sgt. Paul Gorder has apparently been placed on "investigatory leave" after Minnesota Department of Corrections being confronted with a separate angle of the same incident I documented last night.

“‘I noticed that both of them were slurring their words, having trouble maintaining their balance and that they smelled heavily of an odor consistent with that of a consumed alcoholic beverage,’ a police officer wrote in the report.”…

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