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Apr 26, 2021, 8 tweets

Excellent, very detailed article on Stephen Yaxley-Lennon’s (aka Tommy Robinson) predominantly American funding, the numerous sources, Trump links, his channelling to Russian accounts - and his fear of losing it all in the Libel case.

New York Times:

"In many ways, Mr. Robinson is now useful to the Kremlin — which has often encouraged fringe political figures who might destabilize Western democracies — for the same reasons he was welcome in Mr. Trump’s Washington."

New York Times:

Now that Trump is out of office and the American money is drying up, Robinson is turning to Moscow.... did a media tour of Russia last year but associates told The NYT that ... his agenda was to seek accounts with Russian banks.

New York Times:

Questions raised about what [Yaxley] has done with his money. None of his 10 companies have ever filed statements, despite legal requirements.

Only 2 remain active and Mr. Robinson used his wife’s name, or aliases, to run many of them.

New York Times:

In a recent podcast, [Yaxley] said his wife had divorced him and that he was renting a room alongside four other divorced men.

“Five losers living in a house together,” he said.

New York Times:

"... said [Yaxley] had called him soon after he left prison in Sep 2019 to ask about bank accounts in Russia. [Yaxley] was already facing the libel suit and wanted to hide his money ..."

New York Times:

"Paul [Golding] (of Britain First) advised him to speak to the Russians, how they were helpful with bank accounts. He’s really worried about the Syrian boy getting his money.”

Full article in the NYT by Jane Bradley @jane__bradley and Michael Schwirtz @mschwirtz .

Disclosure : FRW assisted with background information and contacts in regard to this story.

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