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Apr 26, 2021, 9 tweets

A massive bug, affecting all recent versions of macOS was actively exploited as an 0day by malware 👾🍎

Read our blog post, #100
"All Your Macs Are Belong To Us"

PoC.gif 🔥

The majority of Mac infections are "user-assisted", which Apple combats via:
✅File Quarantine
...these have proven problematic for attackers

But oops, this bug sidesteps all, allowing unsigned (unnotarized) items to be launched ...with no alerts!😭

In this blog post, we dig deep into the bowels of macOS to uncover the root cause of the bug.

Turns out a subtle (logic) flaw in the policy subsystem is to blame!

In collaboration w/ @JamfSoftware, we uncovered the fact that attackers were *already* exploiting this flaw successfully as an 0day 😱

Shortly, they'll be posting more about their findings & analysis: "Shlayer Malware Abusing Gatekeeper Bypass On Macos": jamf.com/blog/shlayer-m…

Reversing Apple's patch in macOS 11.3, we find in the system policy engine, (as expected), an improved bundle detection algorithm.

This appears to (adequately?) address the flaw 🙌

Far before Apple's patch, BlockBlock (objective-see.com/products/block…) with “Notarized Mode” enabled, would generically detect and thwart this 0day attack! 🔥

BlockBlock is 100% free and 100% open-source 🔥🔥

Also releasing a simple (PoC) Python script that queries and parses macOS's undocumented ExecPolicy database to proactively uncovered exploitations! 👀

🐍 scan.py script:

A big shoutout to:
Cedric Owens (@cedowens) for finding the bug!

Jamf (@JamfSoftware) for collabs that led to the discovery of malware exploiting it as an 0day!

The amazing "Friends of Objective-See" for supporting this research: @1Password / @JamfSoftware / @mosyle_biz 😍

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