Anita James Profile picture
I hold on I know its never gone✨all is LoVe that’s woven together The vow A promise Our Sacred Sweater✨Trust - Faith-Immutable Rtn2Me AndIWillRtn2You💜🌟💜

Apr 26, 2021, 6 tweets

On my theme today of faux living in the dying 3D is no surprise that social media, Twit in particular, is a hotbed for fake, phony &false identities engaging, back&forth..teasing &taunting, flirting &sexting like a high school cafeteria at lunch time. I’ve observed..

This dance of mindless words and soul-sucking “come into my lair so I can suck you dry of what little soul you have left in this matrix”..and I wonder if these spell-casting shells are AI (many are no doubt)or how very dead life has become for those enthralled by the emptiness.

From my 5D New Earth view..I see the crumbling 3D~full of manipulative liars, cheats, fakes, succubi &incubui feeding on one another voraciously with empty eyes &hearts void of any soul connection. Maybe I was called to say these words today as a clarion wake up call to..

Awaken good souls who’ve lost their way and are in danger of losing their GodSpark and cnx to the divine in this mindless quest for whatever it is they seek. We all make our choices. Choose well, my friends..go into your heart and ask for guidance from your own guides&angels😇

I do not judge. I simply lovingly decline to engage my precious energies and wish you consciousness to find what serves your highest good. For We Are One in Truth, and Where we go the One~So Go We All.
With love to all who may read this..Anita’s Higher Self🙏🏻💖🌟😇💟

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