Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

Apr 26, 2021, 7 tweets

Filed to: tweets that did not age well

Prison Planet saved a few of the Ricky Vaughn memes in a blog where he said there was zero evidence anyone was tricked into not voting. 🙃 Here's an archive so you don't have to click on Prison Planet:…

Criminal complaint:…

Prison Planet was right about one thing, it was part of a trolling campaign. A campaign that co-opted HRC's style guide:

"Keep the memes SQUARE. Some should use the same fonts/colors/styles as her official campaign to co-opt her branding."…

Anyway, he was not arrested just for tweeting a meme.… by @lukeobrien

Here's my thread with links to my Alt-Right Culture Jamming series about this campaign to troll the 2016 election:

Are more criminal complaints pending? 🤔

Just some shitposters from 4chan trying to influence the election nbd

I just realized the Prison Planet byline is actually a link to another blog “Information Liberation” which has since removed their article (archive)…

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