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This place is propaganda and disinfo. Here to repost old information. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Apr 26, 2021, 37 tweets

A quick thread.

Literally, because I opened this PDF.

Viruses able to be spread by airborne can also spread over short.

1966, adenovirus isolated from aerosol samples

1970, enterovirus isolated from aerosol samples

potential large number of hosts

Controversy because (a) R lower for flu, so see less over distance and (b) if hospitals had to use airborne for flu, would cost a lot.

Virus found in respired breath.

Interruption of influenza by UV irradiation of upper room air (3 references)

Found in air

Found flu RNA in air

Probably aint yer hands, you dirty monster bros

Transmission during air travel documented, and hard to measure.


70% secondary attack rate. Must be airborne then, right? ;)

By touch etc but also ... by aerosols:


Our most favourite friend

Transmits mostly at close range (of course, as aerosols do) but airborne also known.

Including on a plane

... 7 rows ahead ...

... same floor of hotel (Metropole) ...

... and Amoy Gardens, which was aerosolized via the sewage system. [ed, was most definitely not rats]...


Can lead to persistent infections ... shedding for months ...

Transmits by all modes, which is to say, aerosol short and long, and touch

[ed. sorry droplet, and also touch, good luck with that]

Inhalation takes only small doses to infect.

Detected in the air by real-time PCR ...

Detected in various indoor environments, but of course data sparse because as the EXPERTS have said, isolating from air is difficult - you tend to crush up the virus.


The babies' revenge!

What? 100%?

Then it simply _has_ to be airborne like measles [ed. lifts pinky, sips tea]

Disgusting huge discharges from the nose ...

Controversy here.

Controversy here?

[ed. not really. Those are poorly designed studies, misusing p-test, on tiny N samples of babies to "disprove" aerosol. When a baby belts an opera, I'll reconsider]

RNA found in air 7m from patient bed.

Inb4 not live virus. Again, remember, hard to sample actual virus. Rawr.

Found throughout hospital, in aerosols.

Article ends with GI virus, which can be aerosolized by vomiting. Explosive outbreaks, but still thought to be by touch, although air spread not much studied . Going to skip this one because it's a bit off base, except one though ...

... infection is a numbers game. Up to a trillion copies per gram feces egested.

Le fin.

Remember, a close contact by any other name would aerosol as sweet.


In these papers, comments about infection at close contact do not tell you HOW infect, b/c aerosols infect at close AND long range

Dividing viruses into short and long range by HOW INFECTIOUS they are is fine, but once call short "droplet" & start to believe it...thats the error

(not really by touch)

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