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Apr 27, 2021, 12 tweets

Battle for Brick Lane
The planning policy argument against Truman Brewery decision 5pm today
I asked to speak tonight as well but I missed deadline by a few hours & 5 people already registered
But I would have said that planning is a balancing act based on planning policies

But not how planning works in TH, planning department won’t present a balanced view of what their & GLA policies say but as they support this development they will only quote policies that support this application
Not those policies which do not support this application

These tweets try & supply a balancing corrective by quoting from the TH Local Plan 2031…
Most Cllrs voted to approve this Plan last January (I didn’t) so they should be familiar with them
Decision makers (Cllrs tonight) have to weigh all of the policies

before deciding whether to approve/reject
Council report tonight makes clear tonight the range of employment & economic uses of the wider Truman Brewery site. this is a key issue, the range of employment
To be replaced by offices, 1 restaurant, 15 shops…

TH Council have so far resisted any attempt to consider the impact of COVID on the office market, maybe too soon but I think clear demand will be less in future (see Canary Wharf)
The pictures are from TH Local Plan document policy (my red boxes) which I think provide policy

argument against this
Why is Brick Lane attractive? why do tourists, shoppers, residents go there? will this application help?
What kind of jobs are therefore attracted?
Are they the same kind of jobs & employment offered in office space or even new shops?
I would say no

I think this is a risk that Brick Lane becomes just another office neighbourhood with less footfall
& will generate fewer of the types of jobs / business that exist today
We do not lack office space in London anymore but we do not have enough employment places like Brick Lane

Truman Brewery may not be a formal ‘market’ but in practice that is what it is
I am not clear 15 new shops will be an adequate replacement
So Council policy to protect markets should be relevant
These are all policies that should be part of the planning decision tonight

There are a wide range of other relevant policies but this one about Heritage is also relevant
I believe there are enough planning policies to justify refusal tonight
If it does get permission then the same will happen to the wider area and a precious asset will be lost

, an asset that generates a wide range of employment
I cannot see this application as currently configured will benefit TH
Not saying that there should not be a change but it has to be a change that better preserves character of the area & keeps wide range of people visiting

It would also be good to know more about the new Spitalfields Neighbourhood Plan policies and whether & how they apply to this application but only briefly mentioned

You can watch the meeting online at 5pm…
Hope this useful @th_puru , @nijjormanush, @SpitalfieldsNPF @SpitalfieldsSoc
Sorry should have been quicker to register to speak tonight but distracted by big problem with new building on IoD

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