Asfandyar Mir Profile picture
Senior expert @USIP. South Asia security issues. Opinions my own.

Apr 27, 2021, 10 tweets

Special Envoy Khalilzad's written testimony on Afghanistan policy to the SFRC. Some highlights. 1/n…

President Biden made the decision of withdrawal on four judgments: 1) degraded al-Qaeda 2) dispersed terrorism landscape 3) status-quo policy is too costly and no gains possible 4) extending stay beyond May 1 would have led to an inexorable return to war with Taliban.

US will reconfigure CT capabilities to work with Afghan security forces and regional partners, and hold the Taliban accountable on ties to al-Qaeda.

Afghan leaders should craft a "joint way forward instead of jockeying for individual or group power."

He says he "fought for the inclusion of women" in the peace process who "directly and effectively engaged the Taliban at the negotiating table, challenging Taliban stereotypes."

He has sought the release of Mark Frerichs form the Taliban.

UN and other international parties are ready to assist diplomacy. Afghan leaders and Taliban should "seize the moment."

Pakistan has a "special role" and "have urged Pakistan's leaders to exercise their considerable leverage over the Taliban to reduce violence and support a negotiated settlement."

Taliban must recognize they have a choice between two very different futures. If they obstruct negotiations and attempt a military takeover, they will face isolation, regional opposition, sanctions, and international opprobrium.

He concludes that "our troops deserve to come home" and "Afghanistan deserves a chance to find its way forward." n/n

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