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Consul Populis, Mentor for Substance Addicts and/or Homeless. Politics, Motorcycles, Linux, Movies. You can buy me a coffee at

Apr 27, 2021, 5 tweets

The only way to capture this wonderful mural in #Tolworth was panorama mode.

Any further back I'd have gone over the barrier and landed 80 feet below on the fast lane of the A3 ...

Original image was 30,000 pixels wide.

.. and this one is at the entrance to #Tolworth Station.

Artist FB page is at:

Their Instagram is at :…

By a different artist, these three in #Surbiton :

Captain Tom Moore,

Just on somebody's driveway post. Presumably, the artist's own.

Same driveway post, John Lennon and Judy Garland ...

Beautiful work, this.

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