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Ending campus sexual assault through support, prevention through education, and policy reform. https://t.co/BTUuxEYh5R… ❤️

Apr 28, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ What does it mean to show up in support of Black survivors? Join us in lifting up these cultural demands for Black survivors by Black survivors.

Learn, listen, and take action to see what you can do to show up for Black Survivors.

#SAAM #BelieveSurvivors

2/ cont'd...

1. Listen to Black Survivors.
2. Resister the urge to be skeptical.
3. Use your voice in love and solidarity.

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4. Call out comments and actions that degrade Black women.
5. Protect Black women, femmes, and girls.
6. Interrogate ALL the -isms and phobias that diminish survivors and their experiences.

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7. Push back against the idea that Black survivors are betraying their community when speaking out.
8. Call out all forms of behavior that perpetuate rape culture.
9. Call rape, RAPE. Don't water down and sugar coat their language.

5/ cont'd

10. Debunk the myth that consent is not sexy.
11. Resister the urge to question a Black survivor.
12. Go hard for Black survivors, who are deserving of community action.

6/ Final.

Looking to take action during Black Survivors Week of Action?

Learn more at weasourselves.org.

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