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Apr 29, 2021, 38 tweets

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Oliver 'look at Zander Group' - Firtash + Tories oozing all over it - I can guide if you have time

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Asquith (still employed by Firtash), LG Antenna Fund (Rees-Mogg) Spadi Trading (Shetler/Firtash £1m) Sir Anthony Bamford (JCB/VoteLeave) Vantania (Tzenguiz Bros) Brewin (suspect its Ulisher Usmanov)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Confirmation of Mogg link - he ran LG Antenna Fund

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Confirmation of Spadi Trading & Lord Risby Tory Minister working for him (he switches to working for Zander shortly after for 18 months when WSJ blows his cover)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Director of Zander is arrested and jailed in UK - only one - for role in the Langbar Brazilian bank heist

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Asquith's brother worked for Firtash - his son worked for Moggy

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Link between Firtash and Tzenguiz and SCL explained

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan What did Zander actually do - nothing - they just took 'investments' and handed out loads of dividends

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan All connected to the sale of Brompton Rd tube (you be the expert there Oliver) for £53m to Firtash by the MOD - contracts agreed Nov 27 2013 - contracts exchanged Feb 27 2014 - prior to Firtash Boris Johnson was promoting the Old London Undergroun Company 'switches July '13 time'

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan At the time of the initial agreement to buy Brompton (27/11/13) Moggy sets up a Cayman islands hedge fund - here is its LEI number and details

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan At the time of the sale this Moggy hedge fund's "customers' in the Caymans leaps… 18 investors in 2014… 87 investors in 2015… 106 investors in 2016… 116 investors in 2017

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Here's the Mogg Hedge Fund

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Here's the cash or sales in the Mogg Cayman Islands hedge fund

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Note the jump from 2013 to 2014 in terms of sales in the Moggy fund - £35m - it will become extremely relevant in a few tweets time

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan The sale of Brompton Rd was £53m BUT Firtash did not pay it all - he paid £18m and effectively got a £35m taxpayers' loan for free

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Do you seriously believe Firtash put in a down payment and went away to 'save up the pennies' down the back of the sofa to pay off the rest?

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Confirming the sale £53,375,000 but not the payment

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan If you call up this file in the Land Registry now this is what you see (however there's been an alteration to the payment charging record which is not highlighted)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan This confirms the sale date + that there was a charge by ANOTHER 'bank' (happens March 31 - 2016) Bank Haviland - David Rowland - this also confirms Denis Gorbunenko ANOTHER dodgy oligarch unfit to own Seymour Pierce was allowed to act as Firtash's Power of Attorney on the sale

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan FBI Illinois issued a warrant for Firtash's arrest Feb 26th 2013 (ONE DAY before exchange of contracts) - which is when Gorbunenko 'signs on' - there was also 4 days in October 2013 when the USA opened the arrest warrant on Firtash and then closed it (in Guardian) - UK Govt KNEW

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan On Feb 24th 2013 Firtash was invited into the UK Foreign Office by Lord Risby, John Whittingdale and his employees in the Tory Party - Firtash issued a statement next day

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan The Minister responsible for bunging Firtash the tube station was Philip Dunne (Boris' mate and fellow Bullingdon Club member - so a tight link is HIGHLY likely)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Anthony Fisher (witness on the Gorbunenko signature) worked alongside Granowski Firtash's Ukrainian 'Peter Mandelson' tasked with destroying rivals and winning power - Global Strategy also at various times employs our rogue Tories

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Dominic Cummings' brother-in law Jack Wakefield was on the board of DF Foundation (a charity haha!!) alongside this lot...for 5 years. In pic (2015) is Firtash and Granovski still hand-in-hand

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Jack Wakefield (contributor to the Spectator) Mary Wakefield commissioning not some gangster as you can see on left in pic. Boris (edits Speccy) placement on DF Foundation (Speccy influences) biggest Boris fans (AF Neil etc) with his Trump Penthouse flat

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Now a summary of the full sale document registered in the Land Registry on Brompton Road - the 2 'additional charges' are mortgages on the property BOTH come from the same man David Rowland

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Banque Haviland is the 1st mortgage given to Dmytro Firtash ON THE EVE of the Brexit campaign 31st March 2016 - and its a family bank owned by David Rowland as we know - the second mortgage appears to be a second mortgage designed to hide the authorship of the first

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Here is the Brooksford Overseas mortgage - it is even signed by Barclay Rowland (keep it in the family :-) )

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan The original exchange of contract confirms 'agree to sale date' and 'price' and who authorises sale - given the £53m price tag (all of them in the ministerial leadership is accurate here)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Now see this (Firtash attorneys sign it 14th March 2014 WHEN FIRTASH IS IN A JAIL IN VEINNA) and his Power of Attorney folks wait till Xmas 2014

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Now having 'dismissed' Brooksford Overseas as a Rowland front company - here is the evidence that there was another mortgage on the eve of Brexit to Banque Haviland and Rowland was covering it up in 2018

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Now back to the Moggy fund in the Cayman's earlier (£35m jump point I made). It is EXACTLY the missing money (Brompton price just over £53m and Firtash supposedly only pays £18m as a down payment) - what a coincidence

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan Now explain it all. Firtash paid it all. The sale was 'critical' to finance the forthcoming Brexit campaign set up - so £33m was moved, then used (eg. in May the Ox academic is spending £1m harvesting Facebook data in questionnaires to handover to SCL - immediately after sale)

@OliverBullough @PeterKGeoghegan GRU did not want an obvious footprint so buying something hides the cash - the Cayman hedge fund washes it. BUT...Brexit might win so the cash needs replacing 'enter David Rowland' - timing 'eve of Brexit' - he screwed up - he covered it up 2 years later with Brooksford Overseas

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