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Blue Sky

Apr 29, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ Here is part two of our QAnon Women in Politics miniseries here! @Blyth_Crawford and I look at the women who made political careers out of QAnon.…

2/ The most prominent careers built upon a QAnon foundation are those of Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who endorsed QAnon during their bids for Congress.

3/ As @travis_view has covered extensively Majorie Taylor Greene's adherence to QAnon dates back to the it's inception in 2017, long predating her political career.

4/ Greene was not only an early adopter of the conspiracy theory, but she was also deeply entrenched in QAnon's more obscure aspects of the theory than her fellow candidates during her Congressional campaign, such as Seth Rich was killed by MS-13 assassins' hired by Obama

5/ Since beginning their terms both Greene and Boebert have pushed various conspiratorial narratives including the reignited “Stop the Steal” conspiracy which was one of the key narratives which encouraged the 6 January insurrection.

6/ Powell is one of the most prominent women on the political stage who's openly promoted the QAnon conspiracy. Even after the inauguration of President Biden, Powell continues to play an influential role in QAnon and conspiracy theorist circles by moving forward QAnon narratives

7/ Powell (like Lin Wood) can be described as neo-QAnon as she neither directly interprets Q-drops or is deeply enmeshed in the QAnon ideology, but she has built a following of conspiracy-minded actors and Trump supporters, who consume QAnon-adjacent content.

8/ Some female candidates used their QAnon bids for Congress as a springboard into broader far-right fame. In example, DeAnna Lorraine was shotrly taken under the wing of InfoWars, where she could spread conspiracies to a ready-made far-right audience.

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