Jonah Lupton Profile picture
CEO/CIO at (@LuptonCapital)- (Substack)

Apr 29, 2021, 8 tweets

Looks like $DMTK has added more details/information to their website. I expect this product to launch in the second half of 2021.

LuminateDNA will help tens of millions of people around the world get a DNA skin analysis.

According to the recent $DMTK investor presentation the company believes Luminate could be their biggest product.

Just like their PLA/PLA+ products $DMTK is using their non-invasive genomics smart patch to remove skin cells...

Then those patches are send to their processing lab...

Then the doctor/dermatologist/patient receives a report...

With recommends on how to protect and repair your skin...

$DMTK will also have the ability to use the data collected through LuminateDNA to partner with drug companies and skincare companies to develop better, more effective products based on actual DNA skin data.

Even though John Dobak, CEO of @DermTech told me they intend to sell Luminate through dermatology partners it's unclear from the website whether or not that's still the plan. I believe it is but DTC with telemedicine is another great option

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