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Apr 29, 2021, 11 tweets

Carroll ISD messed w/the wrong parents in Southlake, TX, one of the most affluent, conservative & well educated all American cities of every mixture.

2 Board members arrested & out on bail for trying to secretly push through CCAP, CRT policy w/ lifelong student implications.

Kudos to Kathy Del Calvo, Jeff Blanchard and the many other Souhtlake blended, multi-racial families for standing up against CRT in Southlake disguised as CCAP.…

Who is Kathy Del Calvo?

Progressive group tactics in postcard mailed out to student parents.

Carroll ISD has been working on this plan for 3 years. It didn't start yesterday or last month or last fall!

CCAP also "mandates" to hire by race and sex rather than professional qualifications. CRT blown wide open.

Del Calvo on CCAP and what equal opportunity vs outcome is.

Carroll ISD is the number 1 performing school in TX on tests ... FIRST in the state.

Southlake Families PAC has endorsed 2 new school board candidates. 1 clerked for Justices Alito and Thomas ... as well as a mayoral candidate and 2 city council members.

TEA rating of A. In Southlake there is no racial student achievement gap.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

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