Maya Forstater Profile picture
Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Apr 30, 2021, 6 tweets

People keep doing the awful, terrible thing of which I am accused....most recently Vic Parsons of Pink News misgendering Philip/Pips Bunce

They made a correction

As reported in the original judgment here are the things I said about Bunce, during a twitter discussion.

Nothing negative about Bunce's appearance at all

This is the relevant part of the Slack conversation referred to - (it is on page 404 of the "Skeleton Plus" in case of interest)…

And this is my reply

Is it any wonder people are petrified of talking about this issue, when an ordinary conversation about whether it is appropriate to give an award for women in business to a man who wears a dress to work sometimes can get you painted as a monster who should be made unemployable?

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