Oliver Willis Profile picture
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Subscribe to https://t.co/mJMG4RqbZB

Apr 30, 2021, 7 tweets

... and this is why we left

"I shall not live under the tyranny of the dirty-ass sheet"

"now go home, and wash your linens for the love of god"

"what news, mr revere?"

"the dirty sheeted brigands approach, i smelled their noxious fumes and leapt upon my horse with haste"

"god save us, god protect us, god clean our sheets"

"i must away and alert the other clean sheeted patriots!"

/me really takes a premise and runs it into the ground

"good sir, what are we celebrating?"
"life, liberty, and clean sheets my boy"

they say...
my sheets arent clean
so mean
sheets so filthy, they're black

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