Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Apr 30, 2021, 5 tweets

Pence thread 1/

The Waxdoll Mike Pence seems to believe he has a political future. I guess Trumpian delusions must be contagious. But since he's trending on his desperate 'comeback tour', let's do a brief thread on the futility of this loser...

Pence thread 2/

Let's start from year 2016. Gov Mike Pence was so hated in his home state, that attempting to run for re-election, in reliably red INDIANA, Pence was headed for a loss in 2016. He was already UNELECTABLE five YEARS ago. Even in RED STATES

Pence thread 3/

Almost ANY Veep will INCREASE their chances, even Potato(e)-head Dan Quayle became more favorable during his one term in office.

Not the Waxdoll Pence. He managed to gain NO support, but turn the Trump base AGAINST himself. They tried to lynch him on Jan 6

Pence thread 4/

Pence HAS name-recognition. He will poll in the mid field for 2024 GOP primaries. He will not win the nomination.

Which is a pity, because the Lord of the Flies would be crushed in the general election, carrying all the baggage of Trump, with none of the support

PS on Pence

I have to add this. I hate the guy, but not for reasons most have. Pence worked as a lobbyist for the tobacco industry AFTER it was known they cause cancer - attempting to deny the deadly truth.

Mike Pence is literally a killer. Cruel, heartless, coldblooded asshole

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