Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg
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Oct 15, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read

On Monday Judge Chutkan in DC (Jack Smith 2) case will hold a hearing about putting a gag order on Herr Hezbollah, the nation's Terrorist-In-Chief. Trump was under protective order. He breached it many times. So this is now his 'final warning'

Let's do a Thread Image GAG ORDER THREAD/2

Don't look at me like that! This is JUSTICE. It is EXACTLY the same legal standard that would apply to you and me. Nothing more, nothing less. Trump is a FIRST TIME OFFENDER; has NEVER been convicted of any crime (yet). He was put on a 'protective order' FIRST Image
Oct 14, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read

We certainly feel it was taking too long. In reality this is about par for the course, in some ways FASTER than normal, for such a large criminal conspiracy. Timing is similar to Watergate

FIRST of PLANNERS of Jan 6 go to trial, in Georgia in two weeks !!!
Image So January 6th, 2021 was two years and 9 months ago. Over 1,000 of the violent mob have been caught, over half prosecuted, and prison sentences for those running up to more than a decade in prison. That is justice

The ORGANIZERS of the Jan 6th plot are Trump, the Seditious Six.. Image
Oct 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Trump calls Hezbollah "very smart" for their terrorist attack? Same Senile Man called Putin smart for invading Ukraine. And called murdering dictators MBS and Kim Jong Un smart

Meanwhile Trump has called HIS OWN CABINET and HIS OWN GENERALS idiots & stupid

Ok, Trumpo, I'm game Let's get Trump opinions by HIS OWN Generals:

General Mattis: Trump's not mature, a 5th grader
General McMaster: he's a dope, kindergartner idiot
Colonel Esper: irresponsible
General Milley: crazy
General Hytin: an idiot
General Kelly: Trump's crazy, an unhinged idiot

Next... Image
Oct 11, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
New York New York Thread /1

Trump was massively embarrassed in New York, and that trial still continues. But this incident (Trump sitting in NY court for 3 days and then bailed) exposes insight into how incredibly stupid, and self-destructive Trump is

Let's do a Thread Image New York New York Thread /2

So what happened? Trump sat in the civil trial - he is NOT required to be there (he must attend all criminal trials which start in March 2024). He feuded with the judge, got hit with a gag order, then stormed out of New York. Let's see how dumb it was Image
Oct 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What happens next? The House cannot conduct any other business until it has selected a new House Speaker. The GOP is in civil war. It may be chaos for a while. Most likely they find a suitable Republican Speaker

DEMs do not have votes for DEM Speaker

BUT DEMs could make a deal Image If a slice of Republicans (as few as 6) ally with DEMs, then that alliance could select (a Republican) speaker

Realistically the most logical such choice is an EX House Republican, like Liz Cheney

Because of GOP civil war, DEMs have leverage now Image
Oct 1, 2023 24 tweets 9 min read
Flipper Thread/1

With Friday's bombshell news in court filing by Jack Smith of 3 more prosecution witnesses - now just about as big as they come - let's do a Thread about the flippers in Trump's life, the rats who all testify under oath, in criminal courts, against Trump Image Flipper Thread/2

Trump committed an act of insurgency against America. That word is rarely used. The legal EFFECT is the same as 'treason'. Trump committed a crime which is essentially as bad as treason

So who does Jack Smith have as a witness? Trump's OWN Attorney General Barr Image
Sep 30, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Flippant Thread/1

So Scott Hall flipped against the Trumpomobsters in Georgia. Good for AG Fani Willis, she has her first conviction of the 19 perps in this conspiracy. Flipper Down The Hall will testify against the other 18. Let's do a Thread about everybody's favorite mammal Image Flippant Thread/2

We do understand what this purpose is. Get someone near the bottom to flip, give that person a reasonable plea-bargain. He/she testifies against bigger criminals, and we flip one of those, and on up, until they testify against Trump. And each gets worse deal Image
Sep 29, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Looking ahead at dismantling of Trump businesses.

I have some thoughts on aftermath of Judge Engoron's decision this week Tuesday to dissolve Trump businesses. That was worst day in Trump's life (but far worse days are coming in next months)

Let's do a Thread Image Judge Engoron in New York issued summary judgment against Trump, without trial, ending his businesses in New York. He revoked their business licenses and ordered the businesses to be sold to parties not affiliated with Trump. Trump lost essentially everything. Image
Sep 28, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Now let's do a bit on Trump losing his business, ie the Engoron judge decision to dissolve Trump Org from Tuesday. This is one of biggest news items we awaited, as Trump starts to face justice, and his worst news of his life so far, but much worse news is coming in next months Image So WHY this 'summary judgement' came without a trial? why 'now' kind of suddenly, when the trial to end his business was coming in October

We can thank NY Attorney General Letitia James for this 'sudden' development. She asked Judge Engoron for a summary judgement, rightfully so Image
Sep 25, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Ok.. I'll bite

Trump hired or appointed these people. They are all Republicans. This is what they said of Trump:

VP Pence: Trump is reckless
CoS 1 Priebus: he's an idiot
CoS 2 General Kelly: crazy, unhinged & an idiot
CoS 3 Mulvaney: terrible human being, a clown show

Image Trump opinions by Republicans he hired/2:

CoS 4 Meadows: Trump is worthless
SoS Tillerson: he's a fucking moron
SoD 1 General Mattis: not mature, a fifth grader
SoD 2 Col Esper: irresponsible
SoT Mnuchin: an idiot
SoE Perry: a barking carnival act, nonsense
JCS Gen Milley: crazy Image
Sep 24, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
It has been a long time since I last gave you my take on 2024. Remember. I am BY FAR the most accurate forecaster on Twitter. And my LONG TERM forecasts are eerily accurate, where most dare not even make any calls yet

So let's do a Thread about 2024

We have to go back a bit... Image So in 2016 Hillary was the known 'insider' and Trump the unknown outsider. Trump made absurd promises (Mexico would pay for his wall etc). The election result was a POPULAR VOTE loss to Trump. He lost the American voter by 3 million votes, 2%

That was the 'unknown' Trump Image
Sep 16, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
So Jack Smith has now moved to stage 2 of 3 stage process to stop Trump lying about his criminal court case (in DC)

First was requesting a protective order which was given in August

Second stage is a gag order (requested now)

Final would be placing Trump in jail before trial
Image A few relevant points in the filing. Jack Smith uses various postings by Trump from Truth Social, which we had all seen, as evidence of Trump attempts to intimidate and harass people involved and/or taint the jury pool. Same with video evidence

When we saw those posted... Image
Sep 9, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Many are asking this

Was Marky Malarkey really this stupid?

No. He was TOO LATE. He was negotiating BOTH with federal AND Geogia for plea bargain in SPRING of 2022

Got ROTTEN deal from DOJ, no deal from GA. Kept negotiating

Then FBI raided Mar-A-Lago. Meadows took the deal
Image Remember Meadows DUMPED the lawyers paid by Trump. Then his new attorneys helped him understand the reality. There was no urgency yet. But Mar-A-Lago raid changed it all

USC 794 espionage!

Mark Meddles signed IMMEDIATELY

And you say, but T Dawg, wasn't Jack Smith 793 espionage Image
Sep 6, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read

As we learned today that Tarrio has testified to Jack Smith Grand Jury about Roger Stone (and we had not yet heard of any Grand Jury investigating the Willard Hotel mobsters who ran the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc on Jan 6) let's do a Thread on Roger Stone Image ROGER STONE THREAD/2

The Girl With The Nixon Tattoo is one of biggest of the Trumpomobsters but Roger Stones's criminal past extends far before Trump, back even to Richard Nixon yes, the most corrupt US President ever (until Trump). But I will only look at Roger Stone & Trump Image
Aug 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A serious point on this, Trump tossing Gary Busey's son, Eric Trump under the bus saying about NY financial fraud "My son Eric is much more involved with it than I am"

It is a civil trial worth $250 million where NY AG accuses Trump of fraud. He has just CONFESSED it in above
Image If you are caught speeding doing 75 in a speed limit of 55, and your defense is - but the other dude was driving 80 - the judge will find you guilty of breaking the speed limit. That someone else was worse, is no defense. It is an admission of guilt. Trump said this under oath Image
Aug 29, 2023 23 tweets 9 min read

So Marky Malarkey the Trumposparky confessed to premediated election fraud by Team Trump in Georgia. Meadows threw Trump under the bus on Monday to federal court. All this without pleading the 5th. What does this all mean, tell us, oh T Dawg, ye of numbers & facts Image MEADOWS THREAD/2

Ok. Let's do a Thread on Mark Meadows. First off, on Monday what Mark Minnows did, was for all practical purposes a flip. He fully ratted out Trump, UNDER OATH, to federal court, and confessed the Trumpomob did commit fraud election fraud in GA, deliberately Image
Aug 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
did you notice what just happened?

Marky Malarky the Trumpo McSparky just CONFESSED the Georgia crimes - UNDER OATH, and DID NOT plead the 5th

All of this is ADMISSABLE - he offered this testimony voluntarily. Not only will it CONVICT Meadows in Georgia

Also Jack Smith 2 Image ALL of this testimony can ALSO be used by Jack Smith in the Jan 6th trial, so Jack Smith 2. And they can compel Marxy McMeddler to testify the same under oath - he cannot plead the 5th on any of this anymore, in those trials either. This is devastating to Trumpo.. so sad Trumpo Image
Aug 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
This explains a lot. It fits 100% with what we knew

But let's put the Numbers-Are-My-Buddies dude to task, explain this to us, T Dawg, please, Master T, tell us

Ok, I will

first. This is NOT all Republican voters. This is TRUMP voters and some Republicans will not vote for him So among Trump voters - a SUBSET of all Republican voters, 3 in 4 think Trump is 'the most honest source' better than friends, conservative media, or religious leaders

And these are mostly religious voters! Conservatives. And they consider themselves to be very family oriented
Aug 19, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
This is a REALLY huge story, utterly missed by most. And I have not given it my proper treatment yet, even though I highlighted it a couple of times already

Let me jam a little bit on this number, 40

(lifts cover on the piano keyboard...) Let's do some free-form Threading
Image Trump just complained that he has been subject of over 40 search warrants

This tells us it is true. NOTHING like that has ever been mentioned anywhere. NOTHING like it. On the contrary, people regularly scream that there SHOULD be a search of Bedminster or Ivana's grave etc
Aug 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

Mr Trump, thank you for agreeing to this interview with Fox from your new home here at Georgia state prison. As the 2024 election is coming up next month, what would you like to say to our viewers?

Vote for me! Hillary Clinton needs to be locked up. It was Obama! Image OCTOBER 2028

Thank you for agreeing to this interview with Fox from your new home here at Guantanamo Bay. The 2024 election did not go so well, you only received 36%. You are running as an independent. What would you say to our viewers?

Write in Trump! Do not vote for Ted Cruz! Image
Aug 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
So Trump ran a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election result in Georgia. He had a gang of 49. Of that gang, Trump, 6 attorneys & 12 others were now indicted in Georgia. Another 30 are unindicted co-conspirators, of those some or all flipped, rest will be tried later Image Trump and Giuliani both were indicted on 13 criminal counts. I estimated both face something in range of 80 years (max, actual prison sentence likely to be less) in a Georgia state prison. They cannot be pardoned by President. Both face MANDATORY MINIMUM of 5 years Image