Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Apr 30, 2021, 9 tweets

1/🧵 Questionable ethics in experiments with unvaccinated adults and children

Indian variant found in Leicestershire, few days later a Leicestershire school announces it will be entering experiments to not isolate close contacts.


This is how the trials work, screenshots are from the official documents sent out to schools taking part in the trials and the SPI-M-O paper the government put out as its scientific evidence for conducting these live experiments.

3/ Here's the local news

No mention of LFD reliability
Glosses over the consent issue
Quotes parent saying its wonderful they are finding ways to reduce isolation

Shouldnt we use measures that cut transmission like ventilation instead?

4/Here's the letter than went home to parents, asking for consent for children to not isolate, NOT asking for consent to have your child share a space with an identified close contact

No mention of risk.

5/ In the local news the Head says they are proud to be helping suppress the virus with this trial.

SPI-M-O said isolation is most effective, so a riskier strategy is being advertised as increasing safety.

6/ Parent raises concerns with lack of informed consent. Directed to the official Test and Trace letter at bottom of Heads letter to parents.

Problematic letter, mentions additional risk but then makes out these are negligible.

7/"if your household has health concerns you may wish to isolate rather than LFD"
How does this protect the family?
If the student has already been identified as a close contact its too late to protect the family.

It doesn't make sense

8/ Example of another parent seeking answers on ethics and consent.

Noticed that results of the trial wont be released until the summer, like final PCR tests aren't released for 2 weeks. A lot can go wrong in the time waiting for this information.

Well looks like they want an end to isolation completely

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