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By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

May 1, 2021, 8 tweets

I'd like to tell you a story about the beauty that resides in every one of us, the spark of harmonious energy that makes us what we really are.
The story of Kähte Ehmer.
Käthe was born in 1895. When her parents discovered their daughter was severely disabled, the six-year old

was brought to the Hephata institution where, within its walls, she would spend the rest of her short life. Dr. Happich, who treated her during her time at the institution, describes her personality and disability: Käthe was amongst the patients with the most severe mental

disabilities who
have ever lived in our institution. From birth on, she was seriously retarded.
She had never learned to speak a single word. She stared for hours on a particular spot, then she fidgeted for hours without a break. She gorged her
food, fouled herself day and night,

uttered an animal-like sound, and slept. In
all the time she lived with us, we have never seen that she had taken notice of
her environment even for a second. We had to amputate one of her legs, she
wasted away.
Käthe also suffered repeated episodes of meningitis which damaged

her brain considerably, as well as tuberculosis; the cause of the aforementioned amputation and the disease which eventually took her life. Käthe was by all accounts infantile, and yet, as she lay dying, Käthe did something absolutely astounding: she began to sing.

What Käthe sang, in perfect German, was a funeral hymn for her own impending death. Imagine if you will the voice of this wretched soul echoing through the halls as she prepared herself for death. Imagine the astonished doctors and nurses who never once saw Käthe as anything but

imbecilic, infantile and completely helpless. Käthe never left the confines of the institution, had no control of her faculties, could not speak, and was never considered worthy of education. Yet as she lay dying, Käthe sang this haunting hymn, Wo Findet Die Seele.

In English, The Home of the Soul.
Specifically, she sang over and over again Where does the soul find its home, its peace? Peace, peace heavenly peace!
For half an hour she sang. Her face, up to then so stultified, was transfigured and spiritualized. Then, she quietly passed away

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