Joseph Scalice Profile picture
Historian of the Philippines & SE Asia | Revolutionary movements | Authoritarianism // Asst Prof, @hkbaptistu // The Drama of Dictatorship, @CornellPress

May 1, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ This is false. In Mindanao and the Visayas the Makabayan bloc campaigned for Duterte, not Poe despite their alliance with her.

2/ Here for example is the campaign of Anakpawis in Mindanao. Note that Anakpawis rep Ayik Casilao is leading a Duterte fistbump during the campaign.

3/ Here is campaign truck of Bayan Muna and Anakpawis campaigning for Neri Colmenares and Duterte.

4/ Here is Anakpawis rep Ayik Casilao confirming how he voted on Facebook. Duterte.

5/ Here is Bayan Muna rep Carlos Zarate publicly signing a statement pledging his "full support to President Duterte."

6/ And here, just in case anyone forgets, is Joma Sison and leading figures of the NDFP and CPP, along with Casilao, posing with the Duterte fist-bump in Oslo in 2016.

7/ The "tactical alliance" of which you speak originated long before Duterte ever campaigned for President. It originated in support for him as mayor of Davao. He was welcomed on stage at CPP rallies. Here he is speaking at the wake of Leoncio Pitao in 2015.

8/ This alliance involved open support for the war on drugs. Anakbayan sec gen Einstein Recedes wrote, "We believe that Duterte's campaign against dangerous drugs & crime is a boon to the poor."

9/ Both the CPP and the national democratic organizations have attempted to bury their support for Duterte beneath lies and disavowals. Their refusal to deal honestly with their own past demonstrates that they will do this again.

10/ If you want clearer evidence of how Makabayan actively campaigned to make Duterte president, here are photos from Neri Colmenares' senatorial campaign.

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