Hannah Ritchie Profile picture
Deputy Editor @OurWorldinData / Researcher at @UniofOxford / Honorary Fellow at @EdinburghUni @EdCentreCC / Not the End of the World: https://t.co/FoINhggvoR

May 1, 2021, 10 tweets

Where does the plastic in the ocean come from?

A new study published in @ScienceAdvances updates our understanding.

My latest @OurWorldInData article looks at the global picture of plastic pollution: ourworldindata.org/ocean-plastics

Thread of key points 👇

Previous studies suggested a small number of big rivers accounted for most of ocean plastics.

But higher-resolution data suggests many more small rivers play a big role.

To cover 80% of plastic inputs you need to tackle > 1,000 rivers.


Factors that matter a lot for a river's plastic inputs:
– waste management practices
– distance to coast
– cities nearby
– precipitation rates
– slope of terrain

Here are the top 10 rivers 👇
(most are small rivers in the Philippines)


Previous modelling did not have such high-resolution data on topography, terrain, climate etc.

Therefore put more emphasis on the *size* of the river basin. So it assumed: large river basin = lots of plastic inputs.

That's why the latest results are markedly different


The regional distribution of plastic inputs is similar to previous studies.

Most plastic inputs come from rivers in Asia (81%).


But some of the smaller countries in Asia play a larger role.

One-third comes from the Phillippines. It has a lot of small rivers with cities close to the coast.


What people often get wrong about plastic pollution:

They underestimate how important waste management is.

It's not the case that using more plastic use = more pollution.

Most rich countries contribute very little because they manage the waste.


Improving waste management is not a sexy solution. Most people find it boring.

But if you're serious about tackling plastic pollution, this is where to put your focus and investment.


This recent paper is from @LourensWater & colleagues in @ScienceAdvances.

You can check it out here: advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/18/e…


And @TheOceanCleanup has a beautiful high-resolution map with all the rivers that I recommend you check out: theoceancleanup.com/rivers/


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