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We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information.

May 1, 2021, 5 tweets

There are several things you can do to prepare in case someone in your household falls sick 🤒 from #COVID19.

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

How can you stay safe if someone from your household falls sick from #COVID19? 🤒

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

If you would like to pay a visit to family members in a care facility, here’s how you can lower your risk of catching or spreading #COVID19. 😷

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

If you need to attend a medical appointment 🏥, here’s how you can lower your risk of catching #COVID19.⁣

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

Learn how you can stay safe from #COVID19 when going grocery shopping.🛒 🍉🍏🥦🌽

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

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