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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 1, 2021, 15 tweets

Christie thread 1/

As he's in the news, time for another episode of our popular series of 2024 GOP wannabes

Tonight's hero: Failed James Bond Villain, the mute Henchman The Chrischristie ("with a stare so cold, so devoid of emotion, so empty, so desolate, it was like.. Jersey")

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The Chrischristie illustrates perfectly the dilemma that the GOP is in, after the Senate GOP failed to impeach Trump after Jan 6 riots. Christie has to play both sides of the fence. He is an astute politician, he is doing this far better than most. Let's study

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The Chrischristie is definitely making obvious run for 2024 POTUS. Make no mistakes about this. He ran in 2016, was a lower-midfield contender, saw he won't win it then, dropped out early, to endorse -very strongly - the obvious winner-to-be, Trump.

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Christie's early 2016 game plan was... to be on the top of the ticket NEXT, after Trump. He saw Trump will win the 2016 nomination (early polling, first primaries, fractured GOP) and calculated he'd align TOTALLY with Trump, and become his shadow

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The Chrischristie understood the political climate & polling, knew Trump was likely going to be crushed by Hillary Clinton, and if Christie were the Veep, he'd 'inherit' the leadership for the 2020 election cycle. IF Trump won, Chris would still be frontrunner

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As we know, Trump is a gullible child, and trusts the dude who happens to talk to him last. The Chrischristie understood this very well, and made sure, he was always the last man to talk to Trump. Chris could count on becoming the Veep. He was playing Trump

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A funny thing happened on the happy highway to Veepsville. Someone shut down his bridge. Christie didn't know how broke Trump was. Paul Manafort sailed in, with Putin millions, and took over the campaign (briefly) and forced Trump to take Pence instead as Veep

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The Chrischristie was stunned. His months of humiliation & babysitting the toddler Trump & his tantrums were wasted

But this Bond villain was not defeated. Like Jaws he returns, stronger. Christie became Trump's Transition Manager, the guy who picks his staff

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As Transition Manager, the Chrischristie could pick any job for himself. Everybody expected he'd take White House Chief of Staff, politically the most powerful man after POTUS. Trump WANTED him. Chris coulda been Attorney General or Secy of State. Anything

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But the Chrischristie now SAW what a corrupt guy Trump is, and who he wanted to his cabinet, including the crooks Trump took along, overriding security clearances. Chris KNEW Trump would be impeached. He wanted to be on the OUTSIDE when that happened

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Christie, a former high profile prosecutor, coulda been AG. Why not? A former Governor, coulda added his foreign policy credentials by being Secy of State? Why not? He knew Trump would fall from grace, wanted to be CLEAN when Trump fell. Remain on the outside

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Trump trusted Christie, called him regularly for advice. And used Christie for debate prep in 2020. Yet Christie was fast to say Trump lost his debate AND Christie said he'd have voted to impeach Trump. Christie needed a DISGRACED Trump out of the way

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Christie calculated that Trump will fall, and Christie decided not to join Trump's administration in any capacity. He NEEDS Trump removed.

But a cowardly GOP Senate didn't remove Trump. They did not impeach him. Now Trump looms large for 2024 and beyond

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Which brings us to today, and the groveling henchman, The Chrischristie is back to humiliating himself. He pretends to love Trump fully. He now proclaimed on Hannity at Fox, that Trump deserves an A for the four years!!

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This illustrates the GOP dilemma. They now HAVE to praise Trump, else they cannot hold hope to gain GOP base support. But secretly they hope that Trump is in prison by 2024. So that is what Christie is doing. He is preparing to run if Trump is not GOP ticket

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