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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

May 1, 2021, 9 tweets

2A rally in Salem, Oregon.
Proud boys are providing security

There are about 150 people here, 50 of them proud boys flying the colors: some have fred Perry’s, some have tactical gear, some have proud boy bandannas covering their face.

There are no counter Demonstrators, proud boys are roaming the park, many of them armed, but there is no tension.

Proud Boys Oregon Vice President Flipp Todd says they hope to elect proud boys to local office.

A speaker brings some of the children onstage:

“What do you have to say to Governor Kate Brown?”

“Go to hell” the child says

The crowd sings amazing grace

A proud boy speaks, says they are trying to build a network in Oregon

The rally is over; Proud boys roll up their American flag

I am out Salem.

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