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What used to be is gone and what ought to be ought not to be so hard. Tweets speak for myself only.

May 2, 2021, 8 tweets

Some artichoke hearts in lemon water because we’re making Patricia Wells’s peasant version of Guy Savoy’s artichoke soup

Sautée two shallots in olive oil with a pinch of salt

Add a little more olive oil and the artichoke hearts

Pour in a cup of white wine and turn the heat up. Reduce fir 7 minutes or so

Add 3 cups chicken stock (@hels’s double stock works especially well here), reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes

Purée with an immersion blender (or your device of choice.) it will be excellent served as is, even better if you whisk in a little butter and lemon juice

Ladel and serve with a few thin slices of hard Italian cheese and chives. 😋

You don’t have to serve it with ham and cornichons on a baguette but I recommend it

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