Kanchan Gupta 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Senior Advisor, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India.

May 2, 2021, 5 tweets

So why did they delete tweet? Are foreign missions hoarding oxygen? NZ High Commission @NZinIndia
must make public statement if any NZ diplomat or NZ staff posted in Delhi is down with @COVID19 and @MEAIndia did not respond.
In absence of statement we must assume it is hoarding.

But for whom is @NZinIndia trying to "arrange for oxygen cylinders urgently"? Who needs them?
Was @MEAIndia contacted?

Did @NZinIndia open its gates? The New Zealand High Commission must tell
1. Whom did they ask the oxygen for?
2. Did they contact MEA prior to public appeal?
3. If yes, what was MEA response?
[I won't even ask where are IYC folks getting O2 in Delhi even as ICUs are running dry.]

So does @NZinIndia High Commission have a "critically ill" patient on its premises? Is the person a #COVID19 patient?
Unless the New Zealand High Commission clarifies, confirms or denies, we must presume this was an SOS call aimed at hoarding oxygen.

Official statement by MEA @MEAIndia on oxygen issue viz foreign missions in Delhi. Please see last sentence:

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