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May 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Lower your risk from #COVID19 by combining these 5⃣ precautions:
1⃣ Wear a mask 😷
2⃣ Clean your hands👐
3⃣ Keep physical distance 📏
4⃣ Cough/sneeze away into your elbow 💪
5⃣ Open windows as much as possible 🪟

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

Check out this animation and see how location, proximity and time can help you make safer choices when you're in an area of widespread #COVID19 transmission.

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

Here are 5⃣ tips that help you stay safe to protect yourself and others:
🙌 clean hands
😷 wear a mask
📏 stay distant
🤧 cough, sneeze safely
🪟 open windows


We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19 - tip 1⃣

Regularly & thoroughly clean your 🙌 with an alcohol-based hand rub 🧴 or wash them with soap 🧼& water.

Staying safe:
✅protects you
✅ protects others


We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19 tip 2⃣

Make wearing a mask😷 a normal part of being around other people.

Staying safe:
✅protects you
✅ protects others


When out & about, make hand sanitizer part of your mask😷wearing routine.

Clean your hands every time you:
🧴🙌put on your mask
🧴🙌adjust/touch your mask
🧴🙌remove your mask

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19 - tip 3⃣

Maintain at least a 1-metre 📏distance between yourself & others. Maintain an even greater distance when indoors. The further away, the better.

Staying safe:
✅protects you
✅protects others

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19 - tip 4⃣

Cover your👄&👃with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough/sneeze. Then dispose of the tissue immediately into a closed bin & wash your hands.

Staying safe:
✅protects you
✅protects others

We are #InThisTogether to beat #COVID19 - tip 5⃣

Open windows to increase the amount of ‘natural ventilation’ when indoors.

Staying safe:
✅protects you
✅protects others


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