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May 2, 2021, 19 tweets

Increases my appreciation! Maybe having some “crushed” Stark buildings around the tower would reinforce this idea of the supernatural cosmic weight of its arrival. Would also explain why the “Avengers Campus” border is where it is; like the tower’s part of its quarantine zone.

Okay, I am going to do something SO DUMB, which is to try to make the Hollywoodland -> Avengers Campus transition make ANY sense. This is totally foolhardy. It doesn't make sense. It can't make sense. It isn't really supposed to make sense. No one cares. Ok.

I guess if the "timeline" is Stark Motors facility closed -> a few decades pass -> Avengers Campus established -> Collector's tower "materializes," then a lot of narrative heavy lifting has just been abandoned in front of the tower. The "crackle" helps, but it's a TOUGH space.

Operationally, it makes great sense for the AC marquee to be where it is, on Sunset (we still calling it that?), in front of the tower where the red brick trolley tracks turn into the striped AC pavers. The ride is in AC. Yes. But NARRATIVELY, it's weird!

Because if the Campus and its boundaries were established (and that marquee was placed where it is) THEN the Tower arrived (which is the only timeline that makes sense), we SHOULD see evidence of historic Stark buildings or new Campus buildings crushed by its arrival.

(Without evidence of the tower having materialized on existing Stark / Avengers facilities, the implication is that they paved an empty lot adjacent to the Campus and put a marquee there just in hopes a space warehouse prison power plant would pop up there.)

But remains of the Stark Motors aesthetic AROUND the tower would fix it! Like there was a whole other half of the facility that was being "Avengered," but in the midst of reno, this hideous tower appeared. THAT explains the AC marquee on Sunset and striped pavers in front of GOTG

So imagine if the transition BEGAN on Sunset Blvd. First, clad the lower level of the Animation Building's east face in brick / Stark Motors aesthetic so the upper half looks like a later Pym adaptative build-out of a second story.

(They're already doing the Pym thing on the south face that looks into Avengers Campus, but doing it on the east face along Sunset would smoth the transition from Hollywoodland and bring in that Stark Motors layering of "history". Plus they LOVE adaptative reuse!)

(Also just noticing that that ⤴️ concept art seems to indicate they were going to do somewhat of an alien forest around the tower, which I think would also work, but still doesn't explain its presense "in" AC's border / past its marquee. Whatever. No one cares but me.)

Anyway, let's put "Stark Motors" billboards along the rooftops of Hollywood Blvd. Then, as you turn onto Sunset, you don't see the AC marquee (since it's low); you see a red brick wall just PAST it with this historic sign reading "Stark Motors." Blends into Hollywoodland!

Only as you get closer do you see that the Stark Motors sign is old and the newer Avengers Campus concrete entry wall communicating the car-manufacturing facility's adaptive reuse. And THAT'S where you see what happened...

Rather than the tower just nicely sitting on some well-appointed pavement with "spacey" streetlights (🥴), it's literally LANDED in an old Stark Motors building that's basically been flattened beneath it. This tower's gravity has CRUSHED the central Stark factory.

In other words, give me some I-Drive WonderWorks sh*t where the tower has literally set itself down in a smouldering, sparking, steel-and-brick shell of an old Stark Motors factory... Girders, leaning brick walls, collapsing inward around the tower.

Could literally just be two half-collapsed "walls" that would instantly communicate what happened here. The reason this plot of land is part of AC is because it was the MAIN Stark Motors factory. Now, it's been quarantined from this weird space anomaly that's crushed it.

Like, instead of the flimsy reuse of the "garden" queue, you're in the open air, half-exploded shell of the Stark factory that's just been burst open by this entity. It's splattered with cosmic "crackle" and busted windows created by this warp in space and time...

Of course it's not perfect, because an art deco space warehouse prison powerplant with pipes and palm trees wasn't meant to loom over a 1940s Hollywood and Avengers Campus doesn't "fix" that. But I really feel that just adding that "shell" of a Stark Factory helps.

It makes it obvious WHERE this happening by anchoring it into AC's history and "place", makes it obvious WHY it's within the AC "boundary" and paved, and answers HOW it into the larger AC mythology. Even excuses the Red Car Trolley – it used to bring Stark workers to the factory!

I totally get that no one seriously cares enough to be mad about it, but damn, one brick facade would really pull this corner of the park together narratively, smooth that transition, and make GOTG feel like part of AC. Plus, this is Park LORE babay! 🤓

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