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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

May 2, 2021, 9 tweets

10 minutes after I posted. Amazing.

He also unblocked me just to post this lol. Dude is amazing. And never mad online.

Folks, strap in. We are coming in for a level 3 Sirota meltdown.

lol. Here comes the martyrdom.

David (Sirota) is a public journalist, who makes his name writing inflammatory, disingenuous bullshit and accusing everyone of extreme corruption. He seeks out randos by name-searching himself. He cries when anyone tries to hold him accountable, like he demands of others.

Andddddd we're back. lol

The Full Sirota Cycle has been achieved. All in less than 15 minutes. I am in awe. Truly amazing.

The way this guy pivots from being criticized for being wrong about Biden's austerity addiction to death threats is just.........not normal.

Anyway...that was a fun 20 minutes. Back to enjoying a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon. Perhaps I'll go bowling, once my temporary blindness subsides.

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