Alex (he/him) Profile picture
Affable dapper bastard. 26. Personal acct. Founder/ED of Trans Formations Project, @the_TFP. Trans 🏳️‍⚧️, disabled and #BiInSci🏳️‍🌈

May 2, 2021, 6 tweets

This is the cat I brought in in August last year in a trap because she’d never been touched. She would hurt herself trying to escape if I got too close to her cage. The orgs I took her to said she was likely unadoptable (too much rehab time) and that euthanization would be best.

She is now happy, healthy and sloooowly learning to trust. She purrs at me and does slow-blinks, and every day recently she’s been coming a little bit closer and being a little more vocal.

I’m so proud of my tiny void girl! But also, I genuinely believe in the healing power (in humans too) of simply... providing a stable and safe environment and then not forcing a traumatized being to acclimate at your pace rather than theirs.

Also peep her precious lil thumbs.
Anyway she went from this scared tiny baby who was ~6 mo old and only weighed 4.5 pounds despite having had a litter already 🥲

To this!!! The second pic is her watching birds out the window with her son, who is also one of my cats.
Yes her name is The Madame. I could tell y’all the story of that sometime if you’d like

Also lmao at Roux pouting for not being the center of attention 🙄

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