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Standing against Covid 19 hysteria.

May 2, 2021, 15 tweets

1/x Lets do a deep dive into the data behind the #COVID19 pandemic and why it is both way overhyped and why it is ending. First let us look at one of the best ways to evaluate the true effect of a pandemic - excess all cause mortality. @MLevitt_NP2013 @EthicalSkeptic

2/x As we can see in the graph, excess mortality is falling rapidly and is at or near normal levels for the first time since last March (data lag plays into the last few data points). 1/4 of the excess mortality can be attributed to our response and not #COVID19 @BenMarten

3/x Let's look at the 2nd graph again, for the past two months, if we subtract all of the #COVID19 deaths, the US would see a very abnormal low level of all cause deaths. What this means is that a lot of the covid deaths are in people who were dying anyways. We can see this in IL

4/x Looking at excess mortality, there appears to be little or no correlation between mask mandates/strict mitigations and excess mortality. CA, NJ, NY, and MI all had high levels of excess deaths with high levels of mitigations. #COVID19 @ianmSC @JordanSchachtel

5/x States with an initial huge death spike (NY and NJ) saw a very small second wave of excess mortality while states with a moderate spike (IL, AZ, and TX) all saw a similar sized second wave. Herd immunity anyone? @AlexBerenson @foogatwo

6/x Some states with minimal restrictions saw more mild spikes in all cause mortality than high restriction states. Let us compare FL with CA. @justin_hart @gummibear737 @jhaskinscabrera #masksdontwork

7/x How did states with little to no restrictions or mask mandates cause their excess mortality spikes to quickly return and stay at normal levels? States like SD, WI, and IA have seen normal levels of mortality for months. @SteveDeaceShow @KristiNoem @GovEvers

8/x Some states such as WI and OH avoided the first wave altogether and only saw a spike in deaths this fall/winter. What changed? In WI the spike only happened after a late summer mask mandate was installed. #masksdontwork

9/x On the flipside some states with high levels of mitigations never saw a spike of any significance at all. WA and OR are two of these and yet their governors are locking them down again. #COVID19 #virusgonnavirus @AlexBerenson

10/x I also have data on unmasked and wide open Sweden. They have seen below average all cause mortality for months now. @FatEmperor

11/x Can such low levels of excess all cause mortality be used to justify the level of government control in states such as KY? I don't think so. @KentuckyFreedom @kycovid19data @SavannahLMaddox

12/x Here is some other states that all show excess all cause mortality is essentially over.

13/x Media like @nytimes keeps pushing that #COVID19 is similar to the Spanish Flu of 1918. The data below shows us that is not the case. In fact the Spanish Flu was several times worse and primarily targeted young people. @EWoodhouse7

14/x Can we talk about how #COVID19 is very mild in children and why we are still forcing isolation and masks on children? The flu is far worse in children and yet schools stay open without masks. @MomOnAMission30 @angrybklynmom @AmyJacobson

15/x Also in 2020 and so far in 2021 we have seen no excess mortality in children. #COVID19 has had zero effect, but our restrictions are pushing a huge spike in childhood mental health issues and emergencies.…

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