Shelly Bembridge (she/her) Profile picture
Cultivating tech savvy problem solvers as creators, innovators, leaders and change makers in the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. #bookcreatorambassador

May 3, 2021, 5 tweets

Don't let Google Meet glitches get you down @RockyElementary @HRCE_NS @TILTHRCE Follow these troubleshooting steps if you are getting kicked out of a @GoogleForEdu Meet when you open a new tab... #COVID19NS #TheFutureofNS 1/5

Step 1 Don't let Google Meet glitches get you down
@RockyElementary @HRCE_NS
@TILTHRCE Power down your device. Often this solves your problem. #COVID19NS #TheFutureofNS

Step 2 Don't let Google Meet glitches get you down
@RockyElementary @HRCE_NS
@TILTHRCE Check for Chrome updates, install, and reboot. #COVID19NS #TheFutureofNS

Step 3 Don't let Google Meet glitches get you down
@RockyElementary @HRCE_NS
@TILTHRCE Make sure you don't have Google Meet Grid View Extension and if you do, remove it! #COVID19NS #TheFutureofNS

Step 4 Don't let Google Meet glitches get you down
@RockyElementary @HRCE_NS
@TILTHRCE After you have tried steps 1-3 and you still can't have a Google Meet and open a new tab for an assignment, send your teacher an email to ask for help; don't panic! #COVID19NS #TheFutureofNS

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