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✝️ Living in the mountains of Guatemala • Desperately seeking Jesus • I spend 12 hours a week researching and uncovering scripture. Get my notes: link in bio

May 3, 2021, 10 tweets

8 Steps on How To Look Back At Your Life And Say, ‘Holy Crap! I kicked ass!’


1. List 4 things you ABSOLUTELY have to do before you die. It doesn’t have to be extreme. Jump out of an airplane? Kayak down the Colorado River? Get a tattoo?

2. If you could do only one, which would it be? Personally, I’d go big. I’d go with the one that scares the crap out of me. Base jumping / swim with sharks = Pretty damn scary.

3. Put it on the calendar. Don’t think too much about it. Do you want to live an epic life or not? When I jumped out of an airplane, I didn’t think of the actual jump until I was falling 120 miles an hour.

4. Work out the basic details. Who are you going with? A group of friends? Your dad? Alone? How much will it cost? Iron the rest of that shit out later. I PROMISE you, the rest will work itself out.

5. Put some real money down, preferably non-refundable. Quit jacking around. Put your money where your mouth is. If it doesn’t cost anything, tell someone you’ll pay them $500 if you don’t do it.

6. Make sure your life insurance is current. Now’s a good time to make sure it’s up to date. ALSO, if you don’t have a will, write one out and get it notarized.

7. Jump! This is your first step towards living the hell out of your life. This is the fun part. This is where your heart races. Soak it in. *** Warning – Adventure is ADDICTING.

8. As soon as it’s over, review your list. You’re probably still high. Your heart is still racing. Add to your list or maybe completely rewrite it. And then go directly to step 2.

9. If you plan to kick life’s ass, Retweet this post and then click here to get some ideas -> gsisneros.com

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