🟠 George Profile picture
✝️ Living in the mountains of Guatemala • Desperately seeking Jesus • I spend 12 hours a week researching and uncovering scripture. Get my notes: link in bio
10 subscribers
Aug 30 27 tweets 3 min read
If I die unexpectedly...

An open letter to my 9 kids (no, that's not a typo—but we cheated and adopted 5.)

"We live a fairly crazy life and we live in a fairly crazy country.

When I die, I want you to know..."

// a thread 🧵 Image I love you.

I always have.
I would do anything for you.
I would gladly give you my heart.
Aug 16 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm 58 years old. Men seem different today. Soft.

Today, everything changes for you.

Today, it's time to be a man.

Do not complicate it.

Try this for 10 days: Image 1. Get to the gym and lift. No gym? 100 pushups and 100 air squats. 10k steps. Do a little more every day.
Aug 13 11 tweets 2 min read
The American Dream v. The Gospel Truth

The American Dream:

Work hard and get good grades in High School.

Get into a good college.

Graduate and get a good job.

Get married.

Have 1.9 kids and a dog. Go on one or two vacations a year.

Retire at 65 and travel.

That’s not a bad dream.

But here’s the thing...
Jun 7 32 tweets 4 min read
Today my wife and I have been married 26 years.

We’ve lived half those years in Guatemala as full-time missionaries.

Our marriage is amazing. AMAZING.

But it wasn't always that way. Image The first 7 years were brutal.
The first year was the worst.
By year 7, we’d both given up.
Apr 3 17 tweets 3 min read
I'm 57 years old. This is the advice I'd give my younger self to radically change my life.

(This is also the advice you probably don't want but need to hear.) Image • Don't date until you're ready to get married.

There's no hurry.
Work on yourself.
You have a lot of maturing to do.
It will take a ton of pressure off that you don't need.
Dec 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Did you know???

An average lifespan is about 30,000 days.

The first day at your first job is one of them...
Your graduation is one of them...
The day you met your first best friend was one of them...
Your wedding day is one of them... And over time, those days are sewn together to create... our lives.

How many big moments do you have a year?

Like, BIG moments that you remember. Two? Maybe three?

If you live until you’re 85. That’s 255 big moments. Ever.
Nov 17, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
If you want to become a better writer...

These are the 5 books I recommend over and over again... Image 1.TOP OF THE LIST is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

She takes Imposter Syndrome to the back ally and kicks his ass.

After the Bible, this is my favorite book of all time.
Nov 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Someone asked yesterday, "From your experience... do relationships need rules? If yes what are the basic rules?"

This was my answer: More than rules...I think relationships need communication.

If there are rules they should guide you...not them.

• listen
• be kind
• get up earlier
• don't keep score
• tell her you love her often
• continue to grow personally
• take care of your physical health
Oct 31, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The 5 biggest mistakes writers make... 1. Too much talk...no action.

"I'm writing a book..." (3 years later)

Set a daily goal and ... write.

Or at least be honest with yourself...

Talking about what you're GOING to do is a powerful source of dopamine that doesn't serve you.
Oct 29, 2022 25 tweets 3 min read
14 quotes and an essay from my favorite book of all time... If you're a writer or an artist or someone who wants to conquer the world...

Read this book.
Oct 27, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
My wife recently said, “I love your confidence. It’s hot.”

I wasn't always confident, this is how I changed.

// a thread 🧵 • Be firm in your decisions.

Be calculated.
Look at all angles.
But when you decide, own it.
Oct 26, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
How to be a great writer... Start writing.

In the beginning...it won't be great. Write anyway.
Oct 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
What do you know about your great-grandfather?

For most people, almost nothing. A few stories here and there.

What if... What if, when you were cleaning your gramma's attic, you found a book your great-grandfather had written?

A book about how he met your great-grandmother?

A book filled with lessons from his youth?

What would that be worth to you?
Oct 24, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
10 things that won't matter in 10 years...

From a 56-year-old perspective...

/ a thread 🧵 • Things

Your car
Your home
The newest iPhone

Sorry. But they won't matter.

What WILL matter...
Oct 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
How to begin writing your memoir...

Grab a pen and paper.
Grab a notebook.

/ a thread 🧵 Where do you even begin???

Don't complicate it.
Let it flow.
Have fun.

Set a timer for 30 minutes...
Oct 17, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I was a horrible student. Man, I hated reading and I hated writing even more.

A couple of things happened that changed me forever... Image 1. I found a book I enjoyed...a book I chose, not one that a teacher required.

If you don't like to read, I'm 100% sure you just haven't found the right book.
Oct 12, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read

Reduces stress
Helps you focus
Helps with anxiety
Identifies your goals
Helps you find inspiration
Helps you organize your mind and life

This is how to do it like a 👑

(BONUS prompts at the end) Make it a habit...tiny at first.

Studies show that even 5 minutes of journaling makes a significant impact on stress and anxiety.
Sep 28, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
I was asked recently, "If you had just $1000, where would you invest?"

Good question. Easy answer... I would invest in myself. 100%.

Hire a coach.
Take a course.
Start a business.
Grow an audience on social media.
Buy 10 books, read and apply what I learned.

Which 10 books?
Sep 27, 2022 27 tweets 3 min read
If I Die

An open letter to my 9 kids.

"We live a fairly crazy life and we live in a fairly crazy country.

When I die, I want you to know..."

// a thread 🧵 I love you.

I always have.
I would do anything for you.
I would gladly give you my heart.
Sep 11, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Are you...


You don't have to stay there.

// a thread First of all...don't let anyone tell you, "that's not real."

Your feeling are real.

But they don't have to rule your life.
Sep 10, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
15 Things Every Girl Needs to Hear From Her Father

(from a dad of 4 girls)

// a thread 🧵 For us at least, raising boys has been different than raising girls.

Girls need to be loved differently.

One of the ways she needs to be loved is through your words.

Here are some of the things she needs to hear...