Alex Bozikovic Profile picture
Architecture critic @globeandmail | Author | Instructor @uoftdaniels | Husband to @livmendelsohn and father of two city kids

May 3, 2021, 7 tweets

My piece on Toronto schools and what should happen to them: keep them public (and if they are sold, sell them smart).…

These places have important public functions and government should figure out a way to maintain them 2/

News: the board’s real estate agency says they may have six or seven big sites for redevelopment. They floated this apparently theoretical proposal for 1 Danforth Ave. 3/

This is that site. One of the easiest targets, in a political sense, in the whole system, but the building is a masterpiece. 4/

The city agency @_CreateTO should take over this work. It will require creative and ambitious development to take care of these places. 5/

Finally: many of these buildings have been allowed to crumble for 20 years (cc @Fix_Our_Schools) But many of them are important. This situation requires expert architectural and heritage advice.… 6/

Here is another plan TLC shared. It is for @YORKMEMO_TDSB. A complete demolition of the school and most of the civic building next door; community centre; and townhouses. Maximal loss of public space and heritage; small financial return; low density next to transit. 7/

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