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Current: @zeteo_news media columnist Past life: Senior media reporter @thedailybeast Send tips/hate mail to justin.baragona@gmail.com

May 3, 2021, 6 tweets

What are we outraged about today, folks?

Never stop never stopping


Just want to point out that this Fox News rage-a-thon about the "woke" mob coming to "cancel" Snow White all centers around one paragraph in a single travel piece written last week in a local San Francisco paper.


"At the end of the day, they're just searching for things to be offended by!"

Tomi Lahren, at the end of a Fox News segment in which she complained about a couple of San Francisco writers expressing mild criticism about Disneyland's Snow White ride.

"At the end of the day, they're just searching for things to be offended by!"

Tomi Lahren says just moments after screaming in outrage about a single anonymous Twitter account criticizing Zach Wilson.

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