Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan

May 3, 2021, 12 tweets

They absolutely should delete those false tweets. Unfortunately, there are dozens of CNN, NBC, MSNBC & WPost reporters and even "disinformation activists" who have left up their false tweets about Giuliani's FBI briefing & refuse to correct or delete it even when asked to.

That's why these self-serving claims from the CNN/MSNBC/NBC/WPost/NBC axis that their false stories are somehow superior to what they call "Fake News" is complete bullshit. The employees of these outlets constantly spread false stories without any accountability.

Just unbelievable and infuriating. Look at this:

It's been hours since I notified close to a dozen journalists with major corporate outlets that their false tweet about Giuliani's FBI briefing remains up -- and remains uncorrected.

*Not one* has taken it down. They absolutely believe they have the right to lie. This proves it.

What makes it even more amazing is that so many of these same journalists days ago endorsed @JakeTapper's (valid) scolding of an RNC official for leaving up a false tweet. Yet these NBC/CNN/WPost journalists believe their lies are noble and just: they're on the good side.

I'll have an article up shortly tracing exactly what happened and how. But when you do the autopsy, what's most infuriating is how they all unite to spread the same false stories, and then so many of them allow the deceit to fester and linger by refusing to note it was false.

If you're advised you spread fake news in a viral tweet and you leave it up anyway or don't bother telling your followers the story has been retracted, that makes you, by definition, a disinformation agent and a liar. These are the people wanting to censor the internet:

Dozens of journalists who spread the false, fake story about the FBI briefing to Giuliani refused to delete it or correct days later even after advised. Kudos to the few who had the integrity to do it once pressured. It's not that hard unless you *want* to spread disinformation.

Seemingly weekly I'm posting clips from @NicolleDWallace's show of her & her guests looking into the camera and, with great drama and emotion, telling the MSNBC audience absolute falsehoods. The latest from Friday, with ex-FBI agent @selectedwisdom (whose false tweet remains up):

On and on we go. This happens so often nobody even remembers them weeks later:

I know this shouldn't amaze me but it does. I know why it infuriates me: I would never dream of knowing that I spread a false, retracted story and just keep it up and refuse even to tell my audience it's false. How do they do this? They're amoral cretins. *This* is Fake News:

Still up, no correction: just astonishing -- NBC News White House Correspondent:

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