Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan
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Jul 15 4 tweets 2 min read
I find it so interesting when long-obvious truths suddenly are acknowledged in mainstream circles.

Here, in the WPost, even @TaylorLorenz (!!) admits that the hordes of #Resistance freaks and anti-Trump obsessives are as conspiratorial and deranged as what they claim QAnon is: Here's @SohrabAhmari in the @NewStatesman on how many prominent liberals -- not anonymous Twitter trolls but major DNC donors and academics -- are deranged and drowning in moronic conspiracy theories.

This has been obvious since Russiagate insanity:…
Jun 26 4 tweets 2 min read
Julian Assange landed today in Australia a free man.

He arrived to what the NYT described as "a hero's welcome." Australia's full political spectrum demanded his release.

The first call Assange received on landing was from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, to welcome him home. Image The judge, when accepting his plea deal, noted that the US was **unable to identify a single victim** that this supposed crime produced.

Assange's lawyers and wife credited the Australian people for demanding their leaders secure Assange's release.

Jun 25 4 tweets 3 min read
There are so many lies that @kaitlancollins allowed career liar Andrew McCabe to tell in this interview about the Assange case with no pushback.

Just to highlight one: WikiLeaks reached out to Hillary's State Dept before publishing cables to ask for input, and they refused. Whenever someone exposes USG's secret crimes, they always accuse the person of "having blood on their hands."

In 2010, McClatchy -- the only big US outlet to get Iraqi WMDs right -- documented the utter lack of evidence that Assange endangered anyone:…

Jun 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Every media model has dangers: corporate advertisers, billionaires, audience funding.

Independent media is vital, but "audience capture" - fear of angering ideological viewers - is real.

Listen to @ComicDaveSmith on why he has been so vocally critical of Israel despite this: I urge everyone to watch the repulsive exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani at the 2008 GOP debate Dave mentioned.

It shows how blind and repressive the Bush-Cheney-era GOP - and US - were, and still are, to core truths about our foreign policy:

Jun 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Amazing and infuriating:

To prosecute Hunter Biden, FBI has to say -- and has testified -- that his laptop and every document on it is authentic and unaltered.

Not one media outlet who spread the CIA's bullshit "Russian disinformation" lie has retracted it or apologized: Image One more time: the people who most loudly and continuously claim that they are combatting "disinformation" are the exact people who spread it most aggressively and easily. Just look:

Jun 3 4 tweets 2 min read
This exchange alone proves what a pathological liar Fauci is.

One week after receiving emails from top epidemiologists arguing the virus was likely a lab leak, Fauci caused a virtual ban on questioning COVID's origin.

But he's a liberal folk hero so only GOP can raise this: Before anything was known about COVID's origins, Fauci engineered a fake consensus that it was naturally occurring: in part because he had connections to the Wuhan lab.

People were banned online from questioning or debating it, until even Biden Admin admitted they don't know:👇
Apr 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Here's the House roll call vote on whether to impose a warrant requirement on domestic spying (yes, the Constitution does that).

The vote was tied 212-212. Speaker Johnson -- despite years of claiming he favored warrants -- cast the decisive NO vote.…
Image Among the Dems voting NO on the warrant requirement, giving the US Security State what it wants:

Schiff, Pelosi, Clyburn, Wasserman-Schultz, Lieu, Dan Goldman, Raskin, Thompson (Jan 6 crew).

Among GOP voting NO:

Crenshaw, Lawler, Stefanik, McCaul, Turner, Gallagher.
Apr 7 7 tweets 3 min read
Last night @elonmusk vowed to honor the endless, repressive and due-process-free censorship orders from Brazil's Judge Alexandre de Moraes.

The Judge has banned various journalists and members of Congress, among others, from social media.

This would be a huge deal for Brazil:
Rumble last year also announced that it would refuse to comply. The platform was expending huge resources to constantly take down videos and ban users upon the endless, lawless orders of a single job.

Amazingly, Rumble is no longer available to anyone in Brazil, getting this: Image
Mar 26 4 tweets 2 min read
UK Court hands Assange a partial victory in the Biden DOJ's attempt to extradite him.

US must provide explicit assurances that Assange 1) can raise a 1st Am defense, 2) will have the same rights as US citizens and 3) will never face the death penalty.

Deadline is April 16. In the meantime, Assange remains in Belmarsh, the high security UK prison where he has been held for 5 years.

Every press freedom and civil liberties group in the West has urged Biden DOJ to drop this prosecution as a grave threat to press freedom:

Mar 24 6 tweets 3 min read
NBC negotiated a contract with Jen Psaki while she was White House Press Secretary.

ABC hired George Stephanopoulos -- directly from the Clinton WH, with no journalism experience.

All these networks hire operatives from the US Security State.

It never prompts this melodrama: This is obviously such a more extreme case of mixing media and state:

Mar 19 5 tweets 3 min read
How dare the US President weigh in on a war he has caused American citizens to finance, arm and support!

Look at the mentality of these Israel fanatics: the duty of American citizens is not only to finance Israel's military and wars, but also never question what Israel does: Biden has devoted his career and adult life to being one of DC's most loyal and unyielding defenders of Israel (see below).

He voted to send billions over decades. After Oct 7, he armed Israel and demanded $17 billion more.

But nothing is enough:

Mar 19 4 tweets 2 min read
Perfect New York Times headline.

Perfect expression of predominant US liberal ideology.

Perfect illustration of the subservient relationship between corporate media and the US Government.

Yes, it's designed to be "playful": to humanize the most powerful agencies.

10/10 More here:

Mar 17 5 tweets 2 min read
Believing the Israel/Gaza war began on Oct 7 is as ignorant as believing the Russia/Ukraine conflict started in February, 2022.

Israel has been blockading and bombing Gaza continuously for 2 decades.

Israel bombed Gaza 2 weeks before Oct 7, and shot 5 Gazans on the same day. The 2.2 million Gazans have lived in a literal, not a metaphorical, prison for 2 decades.

In 2002, Israel destroyed its airport. Israel kills them if they try to leave by sea. The borders are shut - by Israel and the US-supported Egyptian dictator.

Who would tolerate this?
Feb 24 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine how dumb Victoria Nuland thinks everyone is that she feels comfortable saying with a straight face: "We will do what we have always done, which is defend democracy & freedom around the world..."

As fraudulent as the Iraq War was, more lies were told in Feb. 2022. Through 2022, these people assured us that the Russian economy was near collapse, the ruble would be dust, Russia was on the brink of running out of bullets, the world united against them.

It's hard to overstate how much the Russian economy is thriving:

Feb 16 5 tweets 2 min read
Just 3 weeks ago, a US citizen who was imprisoned by Ukraine for criticizing Zelensky died in prison at 55: few of our über-patriots cared.

They don't care when Israel guns down US citizens in the West Bank or Gaza.

Or when the US Govt destroys Assange for exposing its crimes. Putin is an authoritarian. So are many of the regimes that the US Govt arms and funds, though far worse.

So is the US Govt itself, which imprisons and kills critics.

This isn't about genuine concern for dissent. It's just a weapon cynically deployed against US enemies.
Jan 28 5 tweets 2 min read
I really wonder if any Democrat or liberal ever contemplates why it is that all the worst vintage neocons -- whom they were calling Nazis and bloodthirsty psychopaths just a decade ago -- have the exact same foreign policy as Dems, Biden and liberals now? Just 15 years ago, liberals hated neocons like they hate Trump now. Jonah Goldberg was a particularly despised because this little coward said the US has to take a crappy little country and throw it against the wall every decade.

Now, they're the same:

Jan 9 5 tweets 2 min read
This is just like when Palantir announced it was setting aside 180 jobs for Jews only, and Ben Shapiro and Bari Weiss both applauded (Shapiro backtracked after his followers attacked him).

What happened to the vehement opposition to group-based benefits and privileges??? Absolutely bizarre how so many of these people spent years mocking and heaping scorn on any attempt by any minority group to claim oppression and the need for special protections.

Suddenly, they decided that one, and only one, group is sufficiently persecuted: American Jews.
Jan 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Joe Biden is so deeply and passionately devoted to the urgency of Democracy that he's doing everything possible to imprison his leading opponent, criminalize his movement, and (as federal courts found) censor the internet.

But his anti-democratic measures are to save Democracy. You can take Democratic Party propagandists out of their job as White House speechwriter and give them a podcast, but you can never take the Democratic Party propaganda out of them.
Dec 30, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Please read this article. If you're American, this is your war. Your government is paying for it, even though many Israelis have a higher standard of living than many Americans.

The rates of Gazan civilian destruction - including for children - are staggering by any metric: Evidence shows 1% of the Gazan population that existed 10 weeks ago is now killed. For those who like such math: that's tantamount to 3.3 million Americans killed - or 1,000 9/11s.

This is not just another war. And it's plausible that 500,000 more will die from disease alone.👇
Dec 26, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Hamas killed hundreds of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, some in brutal ways.

But so many of the most dramatic claims -- babies baked in ovens, dozen of babies beheaded, cut out of wombs -- were fabrications debunked by Israeli media, yet many will go to their graves believing it. One of the most bizarre aspects of the US/Israel relationship -- so many Americans are more supportive of Israeli wars than the US's -- is how much more dissent there is in Israeli media than US media.

@haaretzcom's report debunking lies about Oct 7:

Dec 24, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
This is the trajectory of every US war for 25 years:

Initially, media propaganda is so intense (our side are victims, theirs are demons), so people say: "this time our war is good."

Then -- months or years later -- it fails or worse, and people pretend they didn't support it. We saw this with Iraq: 72% supported the war, now only 28% say it was right.

We see it with Ukraine: large majorities in support at first, now majorities want out.

We're seeing it with Israel.

In fact, of all US wars, the last one Americans think was good was 1991 Gulf War.