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Investigative Reporter @business. 'FOIA terrorist.' Band Tshirt hoarder. Subscribe to my newsletter FOIA Files jasonleopold@protonmail.com Signal 213-270-4334.

May 3, 2021, 17 tweets

NEW: DOJ just turned over to @BuzzFeedNews and I and CNN nearly 300 pages of the supplemental material attached to the FBI 302s from the Mueller probe. @a_cormier_ and I are going through the records now but here's a sample

NEW/DOCUMENTS: Sorry for the delay! Here's our story on these amazing emails and text messages sent and received by Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and more that were scooped up as part of Mueller's investigation

Roger Stone email to Steve Bannon August 28, 2016 just released

“Trump can still win — but time is running out. Early voting begins in six weeks. I do know how to win this but it ain’t pretty. 

Here is an email from Jared Kushner to Manafort and Lewandowksi describing his meeting with Kissinger and the guidance Kissinger provided to the Trump campaign

Michael Flynn email to Steve Bannon December 19, 2015 about steps that need to be taken to defeat ISI, which included engagement with Russia

"Also, I met with President Putin last Thursday in Moscow. We actually sat at dinner together.”

More text messages from Michael Flynn about his contacts with Sergey Kislyak.

This is an email a person from Cambridge Analytica sent Corey Lewandowksi about entering into a contract with the Trump campaign

Here's an email from Barbara Ledeen addressed to "Ms Herridge" about a big story: “material we have found on the deep and dark web regarding stories you have been pursuing.”

This is an email from Ivanka Trump to Trump 2016 campaign co chair Sam Clovis saying Don Jr can "also be helpful in terms of thinking about military advisors on the civilian side."

NOTE: It took DOJ three years to turn over these documents to us, even after we sued under #FOIA. Although they relate to activities that took place 5 years ago, I believe they are important historical records and newsworthy

Someone from Wikileaks reached out to Michael Flynn on behalf of Julian Assaange requesting an interview with Flynn's camp responded: "do we really want the General associated with this gentleman?"

"As discussed by phone, Mark Burnett has spoken with Mr. Trump and suggested that Mr. Trump meet with me regarding Russia."

This email was released at trial as @emptywheel noted

DOJ is STILL withholding records from the Mueller probe citing ongoing law enforcement investigation as well as other #FOIA exemptions

Sebastian Gorka sent Corey Lewandowksi and the 2016 Trump campaign a national security memo: Russia and the US National Interest.

"Putin has turned Russia in a criminal enterprise that threatens stability in Europe and the Middle East."

George Papadopoulos emails to Corey Lewandowksi: Messages from Russia and Russian outreach

Someone forwarded an email to Michael Flynn a week before election day 2016 from a person who wrote that they had a declassified FBI document they wanted help with. "It apparently involved a contract to investigate the servers."

Flynn: "Get me a number."

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