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"What is @Aw_What problem? Obsessed with HART. I feel angry." - #Hartleaks "Supposed Librarian" "Anonymous adversary" - #Hartleaks

May 4, 2021, 28 tweets

1) The British Nursing Alliance appeared on Twitter last month. At first I assumed it was a parody account but then I discovered that it was founded by Kate Shemirani & Kevin Corbett (@KPCResearch); so my assumption wasn't too far off.

2) The BNA don't hide their anti-vax stance and just post complete fabrications and wild conspiracy theories but, of course, we wouldn't expect anything less from Shemirani & @KPCResearch (a Dr of philosophy, ex-nurse, now runs a management & consultancy firm).

3) The BNA is just a strange and dangerous mix of disinformation. How @TwitterSafety haven't deleted this account yet is mind-blowing.

4) As you can see, @nursing_british account is pretty diabolical but, holy moly, their Telegram page is completely off the scale.

5) Here's Shemirani & @KPCResearch with @TheFreds at the London protest.

6) On their Telegram channels, the BNA, are discussing "5G impacts" on health, sharing Keto diet plans, & someone called "Vaccines Are Eugenics" are encouraging people to share @hartgroup_org "the soft approach".

7) Back on their Twitter page, @nursing_british are admitting to being anti-vax, its a "PLANDEMIC", and "its all about the de-pop shot". I mean, come on @TwitterSafety @TwitterSupport or whatever @Twitter account that monitors this stuff.

8) On the 9th May, Kevin Corbett @KPCResearch, has stood down as an admin of BNA's Telegram channel, and asks that members "limit its remit to nursing & professional issues"

9) Kate Shemirani posted a voice message on Telegram saying:

"And there are posts on here that are anti-semitic, they're anti-government. Now I personally don't mind if you want to express these but not on this page, I have another page... Hop on there if you want to share..."

10) She continues:

"So again, please, please, save all your chats on, you know what you think about Biden or Trump or the Royals, or the Jewish community or who the real Jews are or whatever you want to write, go on to... [Kate's other channel]"

11) In the message, Shemirani also states that someone has infiltrated their group and is posting on other platforms to try and "discredit" them. I really can't think who she means... (Hi Kate👋)

12) Kate Shemirani/BNA continue to tweet dangerous messages...

13) @TwitterSafety @TwitterSupport Kate Shemirani was banned from Twitter but she continues to post messages through the @nursing_british account.

14) As stated earlier, the BNA Telegram channels are full of disinformation and their followers share dangerous advice.

15) BNA co-founder, Kevin Corbett (@KPCResearch) has promoted the Telegram group on Twitter. Followers of the BNA have discussed "storming" & "taking over" vaccine centres and "destroying their supply".

16) The Nursing & Midwifery Council have decided to strike off Kay (Kate) Shemirani from the nursing register (with an 18month interim suspension to allow for an appeal). I'll copy in segments of the decision but you can read the document here:…




20) And, while all of the above has been happening, over on Telegram Kate has been showing off her new enema bucket kit. Not entirely sure if she actually uses this kit in the kitchen its been photographed though...

21) After last night's Ch4 doc The Anti-Vax Conspiracy, Kate has shown that she is posting on the BNA account. Kate appeared only briefly in the doc, mainly because she is only a tiny cog in the big money-making anti-vax machine.

22) In light of the NMC's decision to strike Shemirani of the nursing register, how can @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety @TwitterComms continue to allow her to post dangerous messages from the @nursing_british account?

23) Thank you everyone that has reported this account. Its a shame that @telegram still allow dangerous accounts to disseminate disinformation.

24) Their account has now been suspended. I really hope that its made permanent.

25) Here's Shemirani's response to being struck off by the NMC. @KPCResearch, do you honestly agree with Shemirani's views?

26) After being struck off the register, or "resigned" as Shemirani puts it, Kate (Kay) has recently incorporated her British Nursing Alliance under the name Health Guardian Limited.

27) And, as Shemirani is banned from Twitter, her Telegram group is still posting dangerous anti-vax nonsense...

28) Shemirani recently appeared on the Setting Brushfires Radio show, whose website provided a link to the donation page to help pay for Kate's court cases and also a link to the sale of the extremely dangerous chlorine dioxide.

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