Paul Profile picture
"What is @Aw_What problem? Obsessed with HART. I feel angry." - #Hartleaks "Supposed Librarian" "Anonymous adversary" - #Hartleaks
nadezhda - Profile picture Nathalie Elodie Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 29, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Former Revolutionary Communist Party "leader" Frank Furedi attacks the EU & funding of NGOs & defends the Hungarian government. No surprise then that Furedi's recently launched "think tank" is "generously funded" by Orbán's regime… ImageImageImageImage MCC Chair of the Board of Trustees, Baláz Orbán (no relation), is Viktor Orbán's political director.
Jul 25, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
1) A thread on the links between the UK Tories, US Republicans & Orbán's Hungarian government.

*As usual, it'll be an ongoing thread.… 2) PM leadership candidate, Liz Truss, recently met with Hungarian FM Szijjártó, who had also this month appeared on US TV discussing the CPAC held in Hungary.
Jun 30, 2022 11 tweets 10 min read
1) So Molly Kingsley from Us for Them claims UfT have "nothing to do with" the Safer to Wait leaflets. Even threatening @dgurdasani1 with lawyers. Molly loves to claim innocence of not being involved with other groups, however, we have the receipts...

ImageImageImage 2) I posted the below thread on the day Hart's Clare Craig announced the launch of Safer to Wait. #Hartleaks revealed exactly who was involved. UfT's Ros Jones/Maidment is listed first in About Us on their website & there's a link to UfT's website too.

Jun 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1) @_johnbye highlights the absurd hypocrisy of Hart-affiliated group UKMFA. Anti-vaxxers the White Rose also promoted UKMFA/Hart's latest campaign. ImageImage 2) UKMFA is a loon collective. Made up of anti-5G retired doctors & a "holistic dentist".

Jun 8, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
1) New @BylineTimes article by @NafeezAhmed & @karamballes highlighting a lot of familiar names who have been involved with Covid disinformation.… 2) And of course Claire Fox is linked. Fox has been involved with flaccid-fascist @LozzaFox employing a member of anti-vax disinformation group Hart, Claire is also in an APPG which takes "advice" from Hart members. #Hartleaks

Jun 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm RT'ing this thread again as I was just reminded of how MPs, Peers, scientists & academics have been willing to work with people who are tied to neo-Nazis, Holocaust denial, racist conspiracies & Russian propaganda, purely to further their "cause". And you have the gutter-level fascists like Daubney, Fox, GB News presenters, etc, riling up their followers with tabloid "culture war" nonsense.

May 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Turning Point certainly groomed *the* dumbest people to ever be given a platform. Holy shitballs... "If guns are now the leading cause of death in American children, why are the US sending weapons to Ukraine to protect kids from being slaughtered by Russia?" What a numbnuts.
May 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If, after this week especially (but, to be fair, it could be any week of the past 2 years, & more), you still think/believe that Tories & US GOP actually care about constituents/society in general & you get angry about moral panics & "culture wars", you're beyond help, I'm afraid Qanon/"Save the Children" bollocks is a perfect example of pure delusion. Zealots who think "we have to save the babies but don't you dare deny me the right to buy a military grade hand cannon from the supermarket!"
May 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
1) I just caught up on last night's Dispatches. And, as much as I admire the journalist who went undercover, I was still slightly disappointed that Mark Collett's "solicitor" Robin Tilbrook wasn't investigated.… 2) @hopenothate have cited Tilbrook as Collett's "current solicitor".

May 10, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1) #Hartleaks provided so much evidence of how, for example, Clare Craig & Joel Smalley butchered data to "fit their narrative", @AndrewRosindell introduced Hart to the CRG, & how Iain Duncan Smith advised Us for Them. ImageImage 2) And yet, @TalkTV @GBNEWS @thelucyjohnston @TheConWom have all pretended as if many of us haven't read the internal comms of Hart. They continue to gaslight, distract, & pursue their quest in sharing complete bollocks about Covid & vaccines.
May 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
My wee "pal" Damian Wilde is having a bit of a meltdown just now. @jameshodcroft appears to have gotten under his skin. Normally, I would be concerned about the person but Damian is a notorious bully, has used alt accounts to highlight my mental health so... this is delicious. ImageImageImageImage If Damian Wilde, Zenobia Storah, Ellen Townsend, etc, are so accomplished in their chosen field of psychology, then why didn't they notice what their colleagues were saying? How can they be trusted with patients? How can they justify their position when they stood by the below? ImageImageImageImage
Apr 29, 2022 15 tweets 11 min read
1) As @_johnbye has already highlighted, the Hart-affiliated campaign #Together recently shared just how much *you* have to pay to be a member.

I've been sent the lists of the Together "Team" & "Exec & Advisory Board" so, let's have a look...

ImageImage 2) "Meet the Team". Of course, @alanvibe is first up.

Apr 29, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Stating the obvious but in case anyone was unaware: the majority of scientists, academics, journalists, MPs & members of the House of Lords who have been battling against Covid mitigations & vaccines, are also sceptical about climate science. Funny that, eh? All of the above are frightened that the public will listen to climate change scientists so need to sow doubt in people who have tried to actually stop people from dying from Covid. "We can't have the public believing *those* scientists, here, listen to these ones instead"
Apr 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1) Frustrating is an understatement to describe how MPs, members of the House of Lords & journalists will work with & promote disinformation groups after myself, & so many others have worked so hard documenting evidence of their disinformation.

2) @SteveBakerHW is an obvious example as he's well-known for being sceptical about anything scientific or related to experts. The ERG with Brexit, the CRG with Covid, &, going forward, Net Zero Watch.

Apr 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Will anyone be charged? Lose their job? An apology, at least?

Of course there fucking won't be.

Bereaved families & friends have been completely ignored by the government. The amount of death & suffering this country has seen, & is still witnessing (but not reported on now), is fucking horrific. Certain people will say "oh, we're not as bad as..." Fuck off. Politics & projecting a "world-beating" image was more important than people's lives.
Apr 25, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
1) Public Service Announcement: "current solicitor" of neo-Nazi Mark Collett (Patriotic Alternative), & "friend" of anti-vax disinformation groups/campaigns, Robin Tilbrook, is standing for election in the Chipping Ongar, Greensted & Marden Ash ward.

2) Tilbrook has links to Russian, as well as UK, neo-Nazis:

Apr 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Strangely, researching anti-vax disinformation groups, their members plummet into insanity & their collective radicalisation (#Hartleaks), has kept me relatively sane over the past couple of years. I've documented everything for free access but guess who made money? There's so many amazing accounts on Twitter, too many to list, who have been battling disinformation every single day, indefatigably. I've seen many suspended & banned & yet the likes of @DrAseemMalhotra, Hart & Us for Them members are still posting dangerous horseshit.
Apr 20, 2022 60 tweets 39 min read
1) The Better Way Conference, organised by the anti-vax disinformation group World Council for Health, will be held in May 2022. It'll be a smorgasbord of liars, conspiracy theorists, loons & cranks. A Grift-athon, if you will.

ImageImageImageImage 2) The event will be held in Bath, & sponsored by anti-vax, loon-collective Vax Control Group and Unity Project.

Apr 6, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
1) I'm not entirely sure how we stop Hart/Us for Them/Collateral Global/UKMFA etc, from working with government backbenchers & members of the House of Lords. All we can do is post evidence of their disinformation & nefarious exploits.

2) The Secretariat of @EstherMcVey1 & Graham Stringer's APPG is Sunetra Gupta's Collateral Global but, also, cited as Secretariat are two members of Hart. Most "evidence" is provided by Hart members too.

Apr 5, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
I see wee Damian is yet again targeting women. @profnfenton @cricketwyvern @GarySidley @Taka_tut have a word with your colleague as he's an embarrassment. Damian supposedly wants a debate but he has blocked everyone & is now ranting to his gullible followers. Damian does not like getting pulled up for his behaviour. Someone in Hart needs to help him before he posts something that will make your group look worse than you already do. Image
Apr 5, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Mis-/dis-information/propaganda thrives due to the "useful idiots" that share it. Either through their selfish & nefarious means or by their lack of critical thinking skills. People die cause some twonk with a huge social media following spreads disinformation, knowingly or not. So frustrating seeing people that I know, you know, everyone knows is a complete idiot, sharing the most obvious horseshit and their followers lap it up, share, and so on.