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Let’s take back Main Street together. NYT best-selling author | Portfolio: @CTVentureCap, | Learn: @_CTCommunity @bizscout_

May 4, 2021, 8 tweets

Best way to make more $$, keep more of what you make.

If you own a property and pay taxes on it... You're gonna wanna read this bad boy. (earmuffs govt)

How to apply for and get agricultural tax credits by selling $1500 plants a year?

If you own a home in Texas let's say it's worth $1M.
You're paying almost $20k a year in property taxes. Yikes.

So when my bud Cody told me I'm an idiot and forgot something I listened....

He said you could get 25-75% off your tax bill by selling some leafy greens...

Since Cody is no slouch - he runs multiple 7 fig businesses while hunting something like 200 days a year, my ears perked.


*then let us know what we missed* @baldridgecpa since you're the man on taxes!

So here's how I see it:
- You can do this w/ animals but ya know... those are work
- For a nursery you sell $1500 worth of plants a year to get the credit
- Aka not much to turn liability = asset
- could be a whole post on layering rev streams & tax credits on your casa

How Cody's playing it:
- Aspens in Montana (his home) sell for $400
- In Oregon sell for $100
- See if shipping costs/allowances are reasonable
- Then get pre-orders for trees in MT
- Ship when order big enough
- 300% arbitrage
- & write off his VERY large ranch property

How I'm going to play it?
- we're building a tiny house on 1 property
- I'm gonna add a tiny greenhouse ($600 on amazon)
- I inked a deal w/ my mom in law, she's the distributor
- started an etsy shop, she's gonna sell sucky's to the masses
- We need a name - ideas??

Long story short if I can make $20k from growing plants I now pay hundreds for a month... just call me Farmer Sanchez.

Also, we're dropping a thread a day for the next 30 days (generally on cash-flowing business ideas) so make sure to SMASH that follow button so you don't miss ANY of these

And check out my newsletter, link in bio ;)

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